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Results 61-70 from 118 articles

Eczema Help!

A.L. asks from Dallas

My son is 13 months old and has eczema off and on since birth. I spoke with his pediatrician at 12 months, and he gave me two body wash brands (Cetaphil, Dove) and tw...


Skin on Face Is Red and Dry

C.M. asks from New York

Hi...does anyone have any suggestion for facial cream to help with red and dry skin? The skin on my face seems to be getting more red and dryer than usual. I have a...


Need Advice to Treat Skin Execma

E.B. asks from Kansas City

My son started getting rashes on his skin around 3 months. I've taken him to the doctor twice. The first time they told me it was execma and to put lotion on him to...


Looking for Part Time Work (Outside of the Home) for Moms

S.A. asks from Chicago

Hi moms, My youngest child is about to start first grade, and I am hoping to rejoin the workforce after 10 years at home. I am looking to work outside the home du...


Beauty Routine Confusion of Which Moisturizing Products to Use?

M.C. asks from Dallas

I am 32 years old and I hate to say it I really don't have any sort of beauty regimine morning or evening. I think just a lack of knowledge has kept me away. I have...


Trouble with Eczema

C.V. asks from Grand Rapids

Hi Moms, I was wondering what kind of lotion to use for my 3 year old with eczema? He was always had very mild eczema that I have had under control. I always put l...


42 Years Old with Rosacea

C.A. asks from Los Angeles

I have rosacea on my cheeks and I use a topical medication for it. I also use Eucerin face lotion with spf. My problem is my face looks dull, dehydrated, tired, and s...


Natural Cleaning Supplies

E.S. asks from Dallas

I have been a loyal user of scrubbing bubbles, 409, soft-scrub, lysol. I have tried several other but they are the only products that truly remove all grease and soap...


Seeking Skin Care Products for Baby with Skin Allergy

E.M. asks from Birmingham

My adorable one year-old has had skin allergy to products with fragrancies since she was 3 monthes old. We use Aveeno, wash & lotion, and love it, we also have a stan...


7 Mo. Old with Eczema

B.T. asks from Philadelphia

Hi - I've seen other mom's discuss eczema before, but I can't seem to find that string of emails. So here's our issue. My daughter is 7 mo.old. She has had a mild for...

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