design pool swimming

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Results 41-50 from 108 articles

Wrist Watch for a 12 Year Old Boy

T.M. asks from San Francisco

My son is going to be 12 next month and he really wants a watch. He thinks it needs to be something gold and shiny - so not practical or really his style. I want to...


Teenagers and Summer Activities

S.D. asks from Phoenix

So My Child of 12 has been so creative and really inspired with all her crafts and book writing . We have spent past summers working on school stuff so she would not...


What Have You Done to Really Wow Your Kids (And Their Firends) Lately?

L.M. asks from Cleveland

remember when a pizza party used to be something special? that's what i'm talking about. or when renting a movie was a big deal, not just something you clicked on...


9 Year Old Son Doesn't like Outdoor/physical Activities

K.P. asks from Los Angeles

My 9 year old son really fights it any time we ask him to do ANY outdoor activities. It started with sports at about 7 when we signed him up for soccer then flag foo...


Toys for the Tub

A.M. asks from Lawton

I was wondering what kind of toys in the bath tub do you guys recommend for a 1 year old , 3 year old and a 7 year old to play with in the bath tub??? I have a really...


What Do You Want to Be When You Grow Up? How to Search for a Career Position?

S.L. asks from St. Louis

So I am definitely 'grown up,' and so is my husband and we both have decent paying jobs in our designated educated fields, however neither of us is happy. We both hav...


Birthday Party/ Baptism for a Three Year Old

I.L. asks from San Diego

Hi- I'm going crazy trying to plan my daughter's birthay/baptism in October. At first, I wanted to celebrate her b-day at a restaurant, but then I thought that she ...


Looking for Wedding Cake Vendor (Oakland/Berkeley)

J.M. asks from San Francisco

I am getting married in November to the best guy in the world! The vendor search is starting, and I'm looking for a great bakery/baker to make our cake. We would li...


House Remodeling

S.V. asks from Albuquerque

Hello, I have a few major projects that I want to have done @ out house. These include new kitchen cabinets and counter and new flooring (replacing old carpet). I ...


Curves or a Gym?

M.F. asks from Pittsfield

I'm looking to start exersizing on a daily basis. I'm not a fan of walking a treadmill and I do have some knee issues and an abdominal hernia. My doctors says I need...

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