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Results 11-20 from 273 articles

Contractor Etiquette

L.B. asks from Boston

BACKGROUND: My husband and I were considering a kitchen remodel. We spent quite a bit of time with one contractor, in particular, to get an estimate. He also enlist...


Cookie Icing Recipe

L.A. asks from New York

Ladies: I'm a self professed newbie when it comes to baking. Any ideas for how to ice cookies and get that really smooth brightly colored hard finish? I'm thinkin...


Friend NEEDS Work from Home Job!!

K. asks from Indianapolis

My friend is in a situation where b/c her son is so sick he has to be isolated at least one week out of every month. I will post her story below but the short versio...


Need Help with Beds for Overweight Spouse... HELP!

R.T. asks from Dallas

Hi moms, I am wanting to ask you ladies if any of you have any experience with this. My fiancé is a big guy. He’s 6’5 350 lbs. I haven’t slept very good si...



K.B. asks from Grand Rapids

Ok ladies, a couple questions in one here: we live in Wyoming, Michigan and have purchased a lot in Holland, Michigan (in Waukazoo Woods) and have not yet signed pape...


Need Help with Adjusting to a New House

T.A. asks from Huntsville

We just recently moved into a new house. Its been about 6 days. My 2.5 yr old girl is doing great with the transition. However, my 18 mth old son is really struggl...


The Real Deal on Barbie and Barbie-like Dolls

K.C. asks from Eugene

Hello Ladies, So what are your thoughts on the pro's and con's of letting little girls (7 and 4) play with Barbies and/or Disney Princess-Barbie like dolls (no Bratz...


What Would You Do When You Have a Very Disturbing Nighbor?

A.E. asks from Orlando

I live in an apartment complex run by a manager. I have my upstair disturbing nighbore (boyfriend, girlfriend and her 7 yr daughter). The design of the apartment wh...


Schools Are Failing up Here in Victorville Ca

L.L. asks from Los Angeles

Hello Fellow mothers I am having a hard time up here in Victorville ca do to the fact that my children's school is failing to properly provide them with a firm...


My Mother Is Out of Control How Should I Handle This?

A.C. asks from Reading

My mother and step father always expects my husband to do free work for them.My husband would give the shirt off his back except they are out of control. My husband's...

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  • about pine creek construction in 2 answers "I've heard good things over the years about Pine Creek Construction, and since they ..."
  • king size sheets in 2 answers "My parents did the twins and used king size sheets."
  • never had an eating disorder in 2 answers "... my Barbies, and I managed to turn out okay. I've never had an eating disorder ..."
  • king size mattress in 2 answers "My husband and I sleep on a king size mattress together perfectly fine."
  • healthy eating habits in 3 answers "... in your children positive self-image right from the start, healthy eating habits ..."