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Results 71-80 from 249 articles

JFF - What's on Your Thanksgiving Table?

T.R. asks from Milwaukee

So, this year Dad & stepmom are hosting Thanksgiving (which they've done before) and it will be a "combined" celebration - Dad's family & her family all together. Thi...


Family Reunion Food

E.T. asks from Dallas

We are having a family reunion this summer in Minnesota and are responsible for dinner one night. We’re thinking of making some pasta dishes, bread and salad but o...


Needs Food Ideas to Give to Picky 15 Month Old Son

A.L. asks from San Francisco

I have a 15 month old son and is a picky eater. He is also allergic to eggs and I have not given him any seafood including fish. I'm running out of ideas of what to...


3 Kiddos, No Sitter for Valentine's Day! :)

C.P. asks from New York

Ok, this year we aren't going out to fight the crowded restaurants, but want to have a fun night for the whole family. What do you guys do on Valentine's Day if you ...


Giving My Husband a Good Birthday

J.S. asks from Springfield

I am feeling like an incredibly horrible wife at the moment. I have been so caught up with other problems that I almost forgot my husbands birthday tomorrow! I have n...


Dinner Question

M.L. asks from Houston

I am having guests over for a casual dinner tonight and am making homemade chicken pot pie. What kind of sides go with this? Our family would usually eat this with ju...


Looking for a Book I Heard About Where You Can Hide Good Ingrediants in Meals

T.M. asks from Albuquerque

Hi everyone =) I'm trying to find this book that I heard about somewhere where you can make healthy meals and your kids won't even know they are filled with lots...


Menu for a Dinner Party

F.H. asks from Phoenix

Hi All, Ok, so not only am I not a *great* cook, I don't really like to cook. That being said, we have family coming from MT and I have invited them over for dinner ...


JFF: Bad Potluck Dishes That Won't Go Away

J.B. asks from Boston

I just had to share this funny situation and see if anyone can relate. My husband's family has had a wonderful extended-family Thanksgiving for more than 50 people fo...


Healthy Birthday Cake Ideas

S.K. asks from Milwaukee

I'm looking for a healthy 1st birthday cake recipie. We have limited the sugars in our son's food and would like to continue to do so until he knows what he is missi...

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