dc clothes for kid

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Results 61-70 from 191 articles

Sentimental Things- What Do You Keep ?

S.B. asks from Gainesville

Hey ladies. As we all know we are a little bit more sensitive than men, and tend to see meaning in a lot of useless things we don't need but can't seem to throw away ...


How to Handle a 10-Month Old on a Long Car Trip??

C.H. asks from Columbus

Hi all - we are taking our first trip with our 10-month old to Myrtle Beach in a few weeks, and I'm getting anxious about the long car trip. It's 11 hours total, and...


Need: "Costs" of What a SAHM Does, Every Day- Riley?

S.H. asks from Honolulu

We SAHMS... do a lot everyday, in labor for the whole family. I would like, a cost break down... of what our "job" costs everyday.... if we were to be 'paid' for i...


Working Mom's Morning Routine

T.B. asks from Bloomington

I got a job! This is my first time working with 2 kids to get up and ready in the morning. My husband is out the door around 5:30, so he is long gone before we wake...


Mommies Living in the Northern States Please I Need Your Input

C.J. asks from Dallas

I'm writing this question really quick since my kids are around so excuse any bad grammar please. OK. a very short background, after living 11 years in Texas my hu...


2 Week Hotel Stay Between Sellling and Buying Home

S.Y. asks from Chicago

Hello my husband and 10 year old son will be staying in a hotel for 2 weeks between the sell of our house and the buy of the new house. Any suggestions on how to mak...


Hot or Cold?

R.D. asks from Richmond

Do you prefer hot hot HOT weather or freeeeeezing cold weather? Because it's about 90 degrees outside and I'm LOVING IT!!!!!!! I don't mind being sweaty or stin...


Flying or Driving

J.D. asks from Philadelphia

so summer vacation is coming up and my family has offered to pay for me and my girls to come down to visit them for 2 weeks. My mom wants us to fly but since im by my...


One Year Old with Temper Tantrums

A.H. asks from Milwaukee

Is it normal for one year olds to have temper tantrums? My daughter has always been strong willed (and we recognized this since she was about 3 months old). It appe...


What to Do When It Gets to Hot Outside to Play?

S.R. asks from Los Angeles

I just moved inland and it has been over 100 lately. What can you do with your kids to keep them having fun? I take him outside after 2:00 p.m. .But until then were b...

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Answer Highlights

  • portable dvd player in 5 answers "... hazards but again, an adult is right there watching). A portable DVD player ..."
  • check out the twin cities in 3 answers ";) I say check out the Twin Cities."
  • find an extended stay hotel in 2 answers "If those aren't possibilities, definitely find an extended stay hotel that has suites."
  • lake effect snow in 3 answers "... Chicago will give you different weather, think of 20+ inches of lake effect snow ..."
  • lay out their clothes in 2 answers "... daycare bags for kids, pack them up night before, and even lay out their clothes ..."