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Results 61-70 from 19,843 articles

Hi Moms...where Do You Go to Meet People These Days?

S.M. asks from Chicago

Hi Moms. Sorry for the strange question. I have a single mother friend who has a really hard time meeting mature thirtysomething men. Where do people go these days...


How Come Every Other Tween/teen Has Braces These Days

A.K. asks from Dallas

I don't know if I am just noticing this, but almost every kid I see, has huge braces and bands and contraptions on their teeth these days - I don't ever remember ther...


2 Week Old Has Days and Nights Mixed Up

J.S. asks from New York

Please help me. My 2 week old daughter is a champion sleeper during the day, but is wide awake at night, obviously keeping me, as well as my husband and even daughte...


I'm Calling a Moratorium on Martyred Mothers' Days

T.K. asks from Dallas

Year after year, I see how moms get the shaft on thier special day. I'm fed up! Per my last jff question - Some of you are breaking my heart. Let's call a mora...


Sitter 2 Days a Week for a Newborn

C.S. asks from Chicago

I am a first time Mom,due in May and am having a HARD time finding a childcare provider in my area that will take a newborn.I am willing to have someone in my home or...


Stopping Labor at 35 Weeks & 5 Days..

C.C. asks from Eau Claire

I went to the hospital last night having contractions every 2 minutes and have been dilated 3 cm for almost a week. I have a history of early labor (3&4 weeks early) ...


SAHM And Long Summer Days with Kids!

R.S. asks from Detroit

My kids are 5 and 7 and have never played well by themselves! I never thought I'd ever be the kind of mom that couldn't wait for school to start, but never say never...


Obamas Plan for Longer School Days

R.P. asks from Boston

i just read an article that president Obama wants to even out the field of school hours that American children have with other countries. He is saying that academical...


Toddler Seems to Eat like a Bird Some Days...

M.S. asks from Philadelphia

My son is just about 18 months old and seems to be eating like a bird lately! He eats a pretty good breakfast.. (1/2 to 3/4 of an Eggo blueberry waffle, juice, chocol...


I Is Facebook a Substitute for a Phonecall on a Birthday These Days?

A.K. asks from Houston

Because nobody seems to call me or my family any more on birthdays - to me, it is not a substitute, but a cop out. And I am not talking about aquaintance type friend...

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Answer Highlights

  • pick up the phone and call in 2 answers "... it is OK for friends to do this, but family should pick up the phone and call ..."
  • shorter summer vacation in 2 answers "I do think that a shorter summer vacation would not be horrible."
  • online dating service in 2 answers "Really, I'd suggest an online dating service or place a personal ad, that way you ..."
  • wore braces in 3 answers "I wore braces when I was in my mid 20's."
  • covered by insurance in 2 answers "They are cheaper now and more readily covered by insurance companies."