consumer reports baby monitor

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Results 21-30 from 38 articles

Bottle Warming

J.M. asks from Detroit

I heard a report the other day about putting warm tap water in baby's bottles. So I started making my baby's bottles more on the cold side but he seemd to be fussy a...


Advice on What I Really Need!

M.K. asks from Syracuse

I'm expecting my first baby in December...just looking for some advice/recommendations on what I will definitely need right away in terms of supplies/gear. Also- wou...


Help! New Mom to Be Looking for Advice.

M.B. asks from Toledo

I'm looking for any advice and recommendations from all of you moms out there. This is our first child and I'm not sure which items I should buy or avoid. I'd particu...


What Do I Need??

J.A. asks from San Francisco

Hi all, I'm a first time mom to be, expecting a baby boy in 5 weeks and can't wait!! Any advise on the things you couldn't live without? We have a crib, car seat,...


Immunization Questions

K. asks from Lancaster

Hello all! A little while ago (maybe a month?) there was an extensive thread on immunizations. I can't seem to locate it in the Mamasource databank. Does anyone re...


What Do You Really Need for an Infant?

L.L. asks from Hartford

So it's been 8 years since I last had a baby to care for. I am expecting again and am at a loss for what I really need and trying to prioritize. I have looked at many...


If You Had to Do It All over Again, What Would You NOT Buy?

M.O. asks from Sacramento

Hi mamas! I have two munchkins that broke the bank - I bought everything "they" said I needed and then some. With the economy the way that it is, is there anything ...


First Time Mom-to-be Overwhelmed with All the Products!

D.N. asks from Raleigh

Hi Moms, I am a first time mom-to-be (14 weeks) and have been researching the many products out there for babies. I am basically seeking advice about any and all ...


Getting My 2 Month Old to Sleep in Bassinet

L.A. asks from San Francisco

My two month old son won't sleep in his bassinet bedside sleeper. He typically needs to eat to go to sleep (which means he falls asleep in me arms). Whenever I put hi...


Car Seat Reccomendations

A.F. asks from Dallas

I currently have an Eddie Bauer car seat for my 2 month old...that I HATE! We are thinking of getting her a new car seat soon and were looking into the convertible se...

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