cocktail party

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Results 81-90 from 497 articles

Food Ideas for Silly Party

A.C. asks from Salt Lake City

I need food ideas for a party we are having this weekend. We love doing silly theme parties; they definitely give us something fun to look forward to every month. We ...


Hosting a Party, Need Appetizers!

D.E. asks from Cincinnati

We recently relocated and I am trying really hard to meet new people and break out of my shell. I joined a mom's group and we had a girls nite out awhile ago. It went...


Revised: Guests Arriving Late to 10 Y/o Birthday Party. What Do You Think?

D.P. asks from Los Angeles

This past Saturday we had a 10th birthday party for my daughter. The invitations said the party started at 6:00 p.m. with games until 7:00, and dinner at 7:00. My da...


Drinks and Appetizers for a Christmas Party

E.T. asks from Dallas

I am having a Christmas party at our house in 2 weeks. We're serving brisket and everyone is bringing a side and their own alcohol. We will have some but didn't wan...


Menu for a Dinner Party

F.H. asks from Phoenix

Hi All, Ok, so not only am I not a *great* cook, I don't really like to cook. That being said, we have family coming from MT and I have invited them over for dinner ...


B-day Parties-Is It Wrong to Make It a 'Family-party' and Offer Beer to Adults?

R.C. asks from York

So here is the deal. My nephew is having his first birthday party in a month. My mom is making comments that my brother and his wife should have no beer or alcohol ...


Jewelry Party Ideas!!

V.N. asks from Huntington

Hey guys! I haven't been on in a while, but it sure is good to be back with all the mommas out there. You are all so very helpful, which is why I trust you all to hel...


40Th Birthday Party -

N.V. asks from Philadelphia

Hi. I'm having my husbands 40th birthday at a local resturant. There will be at least 10 of us. Should I foot the whole bill since I invited the other people; or if ...


Kid's Lua Party

J.P. asks from New York

We are having a lua for our graduation at preschool. All the decorations are taken care of and I am making a cool volcano out of cupcakes.....but what else do you ser...


Ideas for Adult Party

R.C. asks from Houston

My husband is turning 27. His birthday has been less than spectacular the last couple years. We've had a real tough couple of days and I would at least like this bi...

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