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Toddler Teeth Brushing

M.R. asks from Denver

My 2 year old son won't let me brush his teeth anymore. He always has loved it since he was a baby. He would sing the "Ah, ah" song while I brushed and when we were...


Cleaning Wood Furniture

N. asks from Dallas

Hi! I have a stained wood head and foot board for a full size bed that's been in storage for many many years. It's dirty and covered with cob webs. I have to set u...


Eczema/skin Issues

S.B. asks from Chicago

Hello All, So I realize this is a long e-mail, but I need your help in figuring what is the next step or what could possibly be going on. Any advice/thoughts are...

37 Can My Family Stay Healthy While Other Kids Are in Our Home?

S.S. asks from Yuba City

Hello! So I'm watching my friends two kids who are 2 and 6 in my home usually 5 days a week for 11 hours a day minus 3 hours of kindergarten for the 6 year old. I hav...


Taking Care of My Face!

J.T. asks from Chicago

I have decided to commit to start taking care of my face. I have sun damage and really bad frown lines--I always look mad or frustrated! I eat healthily, take vitam...



C.B. asks from Indianapolis

Hi Moms. I need some help! I have this issue with excessive sweating. I guess it is called Hyperhydrosis. I only have it in my underarms. I've heard that people ...


Best Method to Get Food Grease Out of Dining Room Carpet?

S.W. asks from San Francisco

I have thick reddish burgandy carpet that I vacuum with my dyson every other day. So I'm not concerned with stains because you really can't see any. But the grease fr...


6 Year Old Girl - Sensitive Skin/sensitive Area

M.S. asks from San Francisco

My daughter is 6 years old, and gets a bath pretty much every night. Off and on she complains of it stinging "down there" and it's sometimes very painful when she ur...


Child with Ezcema Help

N.I. asks from Daytona Beach

Hi everyone, so my 3 1/2 year old boy, has bad ezcema, been about 1 1/2 months that he had bad rash in his skin, different parts of his body, finally i was able to ta...


Ecezma Sixteen Month Old

L.L. asks from Fort Myers

ANYONE out there know of a good remedy or (management regime for ecezma). So far , this is the list of what I've done and am doing. Nothing has helped him really. 1....

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