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Results 61-70 from 755 articles

Is It Tacky to Have a Baby Shower for Baby #2?

S.S. asks from Kansas City

I'm in my first trimester for my 2nd child. It wasn't totally planned. I have a 3 year old and since I was sure she would be an only child and because we had no room ...


Baby Name Poll

M.H. asks from Raleigh

Hello Ladies! I saw a post earlier about a baby name, and it made me think about the names that my hubby and I love for our next child (which hopefully will come s...


How to Prepare for Baby If Not Finding Out the Sex - Thoughts on Finding Out?

S.J. asks from St. Louis

I am hoping I have the strength to hold out and not find out the sex of our baby. I really want it to be an amazing surprise on his/her birthday. That being said, w...


Can I Have a Baby Shower for My Second Baby?

K.C. asks from Texarkana

So the other day i was chatting with a lady at work about being prego, we have a 11mth old and i am 10weeks pregnant. The lady said in kinda a harsh tone You know you...


How to Store Baby Clothes for Next Baby

C.L. asks from San Francisco

My son is about to turn 1 and I've slowly started to store away his baby clothes for the next baby. At first I was trying to make it all neat and organized but now i...


2Nd Baby Shower and Don't Know the Sex

M.J. asks from Los Angeles

A friend of mine offered to throw me a baby shower for my second baby. I have a daughter who will be 2-1/2 when the baby is born, so we still have most of the basics....


I Don't Know What to Name This Baby?

M.!. asks from Columbus

I have fretted over a boy name this whole pregnancy. I can't seem to find "the one" Where else can I look? I swear I have searched the entire web and read all 5200...


Finding Out the Sex of Your Baby

K.M. asks from Norfolk

In our first pregnancy we didn't find out the sex of the baby until she was born. It was so wonderful being surprised!!!! I think there are so few true surprises in l...


I Need the Perfect Baby Gift

K.K. asks from Dallas

My best friend just called to tell me that he and his wife are expecting their first baby! I am so excited. They're not finding out the sex so it makes it kindof hard...


Ideas for Baby Shower Gift

D.G. asks from Seattle

I am looking for ideas for the best baby shower gift for a friend who is having her first baby at the end of the month. Don't know if it is a boy or girl. Is it bette...

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