children names

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Results 81-90 from 9,137 articles

Should I Change My Kids Names?

A.D. asks from Dallas

I am a single mother of twin boys. Their father was not in their lives for the first half year and even refused to except the fact that they were his. Now he has real...


Help!! I Am Looking for Names...

R.S. asks from Sheboygan

I am looking for baby names. We are having our 3rd child in May (I know I have TONS of time) but can not find a name that my husband and I can agree on. I am just loo...


Having a Lot of Trouble with Boy Names

M.F. asks from Denver

Hi, Is there anything that anyone did to help figure out names? My husband and I have had a girl name we love since before I got pregnant, but no boy name seems rig...


Names for Lost Baby

K.H. asks from Detroit

I have a bit of an unusual question. I was carrying twins and lost one in the 22nd week, it was heartbreaking. The other twin was alive so I had to carry both babie...


Preschool and Younger Names

S.H. asks from Santa Barbara

So I have not noticed any girls named Sophia (Sophie/Sofia) or Isabella (Bella) in my daughter's PreK class or any other groups this age. I know this name is still #1...


Baby Girl Names

K.F. asks from Los Angeles

I just found out yesterday I am having a baby girl! I already have a son and coming up with his name was really easy for us. Coming up with a girl name, is not as eas...


What Are Everyone's Thoughts on Jr. Names?

A.B. asks from Chicago

Hi- My husband and I are expecting and we are waiting on finding out if boy or girl. I want to have our names picked out and ready so my question is this: What are ...


Need Help on Girl's Names

C.H. asks from Dallas

I will be taking in a newborn baby to foster for at least 6 months. The cps worker said that if I wanted to I could change the baby's name. I should be getting her b...

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