carpet stores

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Results 21-30 from 1,319 articles

Looking for Carpet Installers

G.G. asks from Minneapolis

I'm looking for an inexpensive carpet installer in North Metro area.


Where Do I Get New Carpet? What Brand?

C.S. asks from Chicago

Hi Moms! We are in the market for new carpet in a few of our rooms and are looking for brand name suggestions and store recommendations. Are companies that come to ...


Figernail Polish on the Carpet?

S.L. asks from Oklahoma City

How do you remove fingernail polish from the carpet? Thanks for any help. 10/24/06 The color of the polish is a dark reddish purple. It's just one line of polis...


Suggestions for Cleaning up Glue from Carpet

S.G. asks from Dallas

I spilled Elmer's glue on my son's carpet. I don't have any idea how to clean it up -- any suggestions would be helpful. Thank You, S.


RED DYE On Beige Carpet !

M.H. asks from Dallas

I brought my hummingbird feeder in the house to refill it....and I spilled some of the red dye on my carpet....I have used Resolve and the shampooer and now its PINK....


Sharpie Markers on Carpet

L.M. asks from Denver

Does anyone have a suggestion on how to remove black Sharpie marker stains from carpet? My 2 yr old son decided to draw his masterpiece on our off white carpet. We've...


Steam Cleaning or Shampooing Carpet Yourself?

P.D. asks from Detroit

Hi, We've been getting our carpet steam cleaned by a service once a year or so. I was considering doing this ourselves to save money. I was wondering if any of yo...


Cleaning the Smell of Urine Out of a Carpet

G.C. asks from Boston

Can anyone suggest the best method of getting the smell of urine out of a carpet? Thanks G.


How You Clean Pee from the Carpet?

Y.C. asks from New York

I am staring potty training and we had some accidents. How is the best way to clean pee in the carpet? Thanks.

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Answer Highlights

  • fingernail polish remover in 4 answers "S., If fingernail polish remover doesn't work, try Spot Shot."
  • get one of those enzyme in 2 answers "I would, being a germaphob, would get one of those enzyme cleaners after the corn ..."
  • red kool aid in 2 answers "It addresses red kool-aid stains but can also work for all red stains."
  • clean magic eraser in 2 answers "I took a Mr Clean Magic Eraser along with dish soap and scrubbed my carpet the best ..."
  • hydrogen peroxide in 2 answers "use a white cloth and hydrogen peroxide and keep blotting using clean area of cloth ..."