bottle weining

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Results 11-20 from 42 articles

Getting Baby off the Bottle

G.M. asks from Tampa

I have been told over and over that my daughter should be cut off from the bottle at a year...Well maybe it is my fault, but I just couldn't say "Happy Birthday, no m...


Breast Feeding Transition to Bottle

M.F. asks from Seattle

Hi, I am breast feeding my 4 month old exclusively and have never given him a bottle. One mistake I made was not introducing the bottle when he was younger. Now I p...


At What Time Should a Child Stop Taking the Bottle?

S.R. asks from Miami

My baby girl is now 23 months and she still takes her bottle through out the day and at night she gets up at least 2 to 3 times for her bottle. How can I stop her fro...


6 Month Old Hates Drinking His Bottle

S.L. asks from Minneapolis

My 6 month old hates drinking his bottle. We always have had trouble getting him to drink the right amount of formula. He was breastfed for the first 4 weeks and th...


Advise on 2 Year Old Tantrums and the Darn Bottle

R.S. asks from Kansas City

My daughter just started displaying this new tantrum technique. She gets very angry, cries, agressively flicks her hands and fingers together and starts to cough and...


I Need My Baby to Take a Bottle (Hes Breastfed) So I Can Have Alone Time. How?

K.F. asks from Salt Lake City

i am breastfeeding my baby for 3 months now and its going GREAT, i love doing it too but when i need alone time with myself or my husband for awhile its impossible be...


10 1/2 Mos Old: Sippy Cup vs Bottle vs Cup for Weaning?

J.H. asks from San Francisco

My 10 1/2 mos. old son will be 1 yr. in a few short weeks & I'm trying to set things up so I can begin weaning him at that time. He breastfeeds about 4x a day. My dil...


Breast Feeding with a Nipple Shield

B.R. asks from San Francisco

I am currently breast feeding with a nipple shield. Does anyone know if I have to keep pumping in the mean time to keep my milk supply up? And does anyone have experi...


Has Anyone Tried the Acai Diet?

C.Y. asks from Los Angeles

I am struggling with 30 pounds of extra weight I have gained since my 1st child back in 2005. I now have a toddler and an infant to take care of and working out and e...


Is Baby Getting Enough Food?

C.M. asks from Boston

I have a 5 1/2 month old and she likes to snack. It seems that I might be drying up, I'd like to keep breast feeding. We've introduced "solid foods" and she seems to ...

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Answer Highlights

  • never tried the acai diet in 2 answers "I have never tried the Acai diet but I am a distributor for Monavie a high antioxidant ..."
  • acai diet but i am a distributor in 2 answers "I have never tried the Acai diet but I am a distributor for Monavie a high antioxidant ..."
  • had to use a nipple shield in 2 answers "I had to use a nipple shield with my son when he was about 2 weeks old because of ..."
  • used a nipple shield in 7 answers "I used a nipple shield, it saved me when my daughter was born."
  • nuby sippy cups in 2 answers "I gave him the NUBY sippy cups and put everything else out of site he just forgot ..."