bottle weaning

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Weaning off of the Bottle and Breast! Same Time?? or Wait?

K.S. asks from New York

I am starting to wean my daughter off of the breast and bottle. I don't know which to do first, or if I should do them simultaneously. Which is more important at th...


Bottle Weaning.

T.W. asks from Fort Smith

Hello. Im a first time mother and I have a little boy who is 14 months old. I was wondering when everyone weaned their children off of their bottles, how you did i...


Need Help in Weaning Autistic Toddler from Bottle

K.A. asks from Los Angeles

My son is nearly 18 months and still gets a bottle 3 times a day with milk. He will not take his milk from any other sippy cup nor regular cup. His bottle is his ult...


Advice on Weaning from Bottle

C.R. asks from Los Angeles

My daughter just turned 1 last week. I am looking for any advice on weaning from the bottle. I have weaned her from formula to Vit D milk and she did good. SHe is ...


Advice for Bottle Weaning and New Nap/bedtime Routine

T.L. asks from Washington DC

Hi moms, So I've made two mistakes and need some advice. My son turns one in two weeks and I'm still breastfeeding but have been slowly weaning for about two months...


Weaning Help! How?

S.P. asks from Pittsburgh

What can I expect the weaning process to be like? How can I make it as smooth as possible? What works and what doesn't? I feel like the biggest weaning wimp and ...


Advice for Weaning off Bedtime Bottle?

C.M. asks from San Francisco

Hi Mamas! Can anyone give me some advice on how to wean my little guy off the bedtime bottle? We are down to just this one 8 oz bottle of whole milk a day, but it is ...


Tips on Weaning

M.B. asks from Green Bay

Just looking for any tips on weaning my 13 month old. She uses nursing a lot for comfort and we're just trying to cut back a little bit on the feedings. Thanks!


Weaning off Bedtime Bottle

L.M. asks from Chicago

Hello, We have a 1 year old little girl. She is off the bottle except at night. She gets a bottle during our bedtime routine. Lately, it's turned into a game fo...


Weaning Question

A.N. asks from Houston

Hello, just wondering if any of you have any breastfeeding weaning tips for my sweet 13 month old that won't take a cup or a bottle. He does take water out of a cup g...

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