bottle baby

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Results 51-60 from 29,439 articles

Holding Own Bottle

K.D. asks from Jacksonville

My 4 m/o tries to hold her own bottle. I use the playtex dropins and the bottle is so long that she has a hard time with them. Any suggestions on bottles that teach...


Putting Baby down with Bottle

H.H. asks from Los Angeles

since my baby can stand in her crip now, i've resorted to putting her down with a bottle. Otherwise she justs cries or plays in her crib (sneaky bugger even learned ...


Bottle Weening

K.B. asks from Amarillo

My son is 14 months old and he only has a bottle at naptime and bedtime, I feel that it is time for him to give up the bottle but i'm not sure how to go about it. any...


Bottle Rejection

T.D. asks from San Francisco

Does anyone have any tips on how to get my child to take the bottle? He's 3.5 months old, has been exclusively breastfed and has only been given a bottle a handful o...


Bed with a Bottle?

C.R. asks from Rochester

is it ever ok to put Gabe to bed with a bottle? if so, when? for how long?


My Baby Refusing Bottle at Daycare

Y.E. asks from San Francisco

Hello ladies, any advise I get would be great? I have a 8 mo baby boy whose been breastfed. He's been at daycare since he was 4 mo old and suddenly he started refus...


Baby Refusing Bottle

A.S. asks from Sacramento

I have a three month old baby boy who is currently breastfed. He used to take an occasional bottle a few times a few, but the past few weeks has totally refused. Not...


Getting off the Bottle

B.B. asks from Detroit

my nephew is 2 and his mom is 7 months pregnant. the 2 yr old still takes a bottle to bed and wakes up at night 3 times for a bottle. mother is worried what she mus...


Baby Wants Bottle Not Breast

I.T. asks from Denver

Baby and I started out great with breastfeeding. She latched on just fine and was a good eater. I started to pump when she was about 4 weeks old so that my husband co...


Chosing a Bottle for a Breastfed Baby

K.P. asks from Fayetteville

Hi moms! I'm expecting my second child and there will be a 5 1/2 years age difference between the two. With my son, I breastfed him and used bottles when I went back ...

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Answer Highlights

  • la leche league in 2 answers "Call your La Leche League right away or a lactation consultant."
  • playtex drop ins in 2 answers "... nipple, i tried different bottles, but when back to the playtex drop in's ..."
  • dr browns bottles in 2 answers "I used Dr Brown's bottles for both my babies from the start for supplementing with ..."
  • put a baby to bed with a bottle in 2 answers "I have been told that you should NOT put a baby to bed with a bottle because it causes ..."
  • tooth decay in 4 answers "... that may be for younger babies with propped bottles) and the risk of tooth decay ..."