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Results 11-20 from 62 articles

Need Advice on 2 Week Old Cryer

J. asks from Tampa

I have a 2 week old baby girl and all she does is cry, no matter what we do. we rock her, sing, walk, nothing seems to satisfy her. The doctor has checked her out and...


Having Trouble Breastfeeding, Need Some Advice

K.S. asks from Denver

Ok, so I just had my baby girl on Wed the 11th, she did really good at first with the breatfeeding. But then they found out her jaundice levels where high and we had...


Should I Stay or Should I Leave?

M.B. asks from Portland

Facts: I have a 3 year old child, been married 10 years (both 21 years old) I thought our marriage had been pretty good for the last 10 years; apparently not... ...


How to Leave Screaming 1 Year Old in Gym Daycare

B.H. asks from San Francisco

A little background first. I'm a SAHM to a 1 year old girl who has not been left with anyone other than her father or my parents. She is really weary of strangers. ...


Depressed Hubby

D.G. asks from Chicago

I am seeking advice on how to help my hubby. I will start by saying when I met him 4 years ago he was an incredibly happy, social, humorous person. We have been marri...


Baby Gift

M.C. asks from Las Vegas

Hi everyone! My good friend is having her 3rd baby in June. She has a daughter (8) and a son (5). She's having another boy. She isn't having a baby shower but I w...


Gender Disappointment

S.A. asks from St. Louis

Has anyone ever struggled with gender disappointment during pregnancy? Ever secretly desired one gender over the other? If so, how did you deal with the fears and anx...


Daddy Problems

C.R. asks from Rochester

I am not sure which subcategory this will go under, so I put it under other. I have a problem with my fiancee' and son. My fiancee', his name is Nick, doesn't really ...


Question for Those of You That Are an Only Child

M.C. asks from Tampa

I am wondering if those of you that grew up as an Only Child feel that you would not have it any other way or if you wished that you had a sibling. I have an 18 mont...


Doula/Midwife Recommendations in Oak/Berk Area?

C.S. asks from San Francisco

Hello moms - I'm getting less happy with Kaiser as the weeks go by. Love my OB, don't like the system (my OB won't delivery my baby, another on-call team will). So...

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  • your local la leche league in 2 answers "I highly recommend contacting your local La Leche League Leader--they are so nice ..."
  • bay area homebirth collective in 2 answers "... Otherwise you can go with the bay area homebirth collective ..."
  • happiest baby on the block in 7 answers "... reaction to all of this is to cry and cry. The Happiest Baby On The Block ..."
  • babys calming reflex in 2 answers "This, says Karp, activates the baby's calming reflex during the first three to four ..."
  • kaiser in walnut creek in 2 answers "I gave birth at Kaiser in Walnut Creek and though I like my OB I had a really good ..."