body after having a baby

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Baby Sling Recommendations for My Body Type

S.K. asks from Seattle

Hi ladies, I am looking for a baby sling for my next baby (due in May). I am a little hesitant and afraid of suffocation but plan to keep a close eye on him/her at...


Help...My Daughter's Body Is Changing

B.P. asks from Chicago

My daughter is turning 9 in just a couple of months. It is very apparent that her body is beginning to change. Is it too early to talk to her about how her body wil...


Baby's Abdomen Is Measuring Smaller Then the Rest of His Body

S.E. asks from Reno

I am 39 years old and struggled to get pregnant for the last 4 years. I did in vitro and I am currently 24 weeks. I went to a specialist for my first ultra sound when...


Teaching Toddler Their Body Parts

R.P. asks from Bloomington

When and how did you teach your toddler their personal body parts (i.e. eyes, nose, ears, mouth, head, arms, legs, etc.)


Do We Have Realistic Body Standards?

M.P. asks from Chicago

I'm wondering: Is a flat belly after 50 possible? Christy Brinkley seems to be ageless, but is she a realistic body image for non-celebs?


Best Body Shaper?!

J.R. asks from San Antonio

Hi- I am in need of a great body shaper for my sister-in-law's wedding. Baby #2 is 10 months but my tummy looks like she's still in there! :) Any great brands y...


Postpartum Body Aches and Pains

L.H. asks from Detroit

My baby is 9 days old and I had a vaginal delivery with no medications. Although I was very fortunate with my delivery being fast I am having a lot of body discomfor...


What Is the Best Body Pillow to Purchase?

A.T. asks from Los Angeles

Hi all, I am 11 weeks pregnant with my 2nd child and would like to purchase a body pillow. There are so many to choose from, I would like your suggestions on whic...


Letting the Body Recover Between Pregnancies

S.S. asks from Lansing

I recently asked the question about having children close together. I was hoping to start trying to get pregnant when my daughter turns 6 months old (she is 4 months...

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