blue baby syndrome

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Results 91-100 from 373 articles

Excessive Spit Up

D.S. asks from Bloomington

My 4 month old son spits up all day long, every day. He will spit up hours after he eats and the smell is like vomit. His doctor said he has reflux and prescribed h...


Should I Be Worried About Having a Girl??y

L.C. asks from Chicago

Im having a baby in a month and everyone i talk to says "oh you better hope you dont have a girl, they are so difficult" or something along those lines. I have 2 boy...


Children with Reflux-Any Advice?

L.A. asks from Los Angeles

Hi, My 23 month old baby girl was just diagnosed with "reflux" today. Dr. wants to do an upper g.i. test as well for precautionary reasons. They are starting her on ...


Anyone Else Ever Been Disappointed by Gender Results of Ultrasound?

J.O. asks from Grand Rapids

We have a 2-year old son and are pregnant with what looks like another boy. This will probably be our last child so I was a little disappointed to find out we were h...


Help! My Hands Fall Asleep All the Time!

C.B. asks from Dallas

This is so weird! Since the birth of my son on October 10, 2007, I noticed that my hands were falling asleep or getting tingles in them. At first is happened when I...


Feeling Trapped. How Does One Start over from Square One?

G.M. asks from Los Angeles

Let's see if I can be articulate and convey my situation in spite of my pregnancy-brain and the irritation I am feeling. Where to begin...? I have two boys, 4 and...


Fertility Drugs: Which Ones Work and How Do I Bring It up with My Husband?

C.H. asks from Decatur

My husband and I have been trying to get pregnant and for some time now without success. I was hoping that we could get pregnant naturally, but at this point I'm sta...


Too Sensitive - Question to the Moms of Teenage or Young Adult Boys

A.S. asks from Topeka

Hello. My son is 9 and he's always been very sensitive. He cries easily when he gets hurt and goes on for forever where his baby brother just cries until I kiss it b...


How to Get over My Anger

K.M. asks from Boise

Hi. I need some words of wisdom on how to deal with a recurring situation. I am currently a WAHM, supporting our family business. The hours are inconsistent and ju...


16 Month Old Isn't Speaking

M.C. asks from New York

Hi, I was just wondering if my 16 month old should be saying more. The only word he says that he actually knows what he's saying is mama. He says dada sometimes but...

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