blinking eyes too much

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Results 21-30 from 149 articles

4 Yr Old Son's Crying and blinking...nervous Twitches?

J.B. asks from Cleveland

I just had my 4 yr old son's parent-teacher conference with his pre-school teacher and she asked me if I noticed him crying at the drop of a hat at home? He was asked...


3 Year Old Started Stuttering 2 Months Ago and Recently Started Blinking

S.M. asks from Macon

My son started stuttering and having long pauses as if he is trying to think the next word to say - this has been going on for about two months. In the past two weeks...


Worried About Excessive Blinking Toddler

A.B. asks from Detroit

My 21 month old started blinking excessively about a week ago. He does it on and off throughout the day. I was wondering if anyone else experienced this? I am goin...


Dark Circles and Bags Under Eyes

J.J. asks from Buffalo

I guess I'm finally at the age where every morning I have big dark circles and bags under my eyes. They usually go away by the end of the day, but I never used to ha...


My Son Will Not Stop Blinking!

C.K. asks from Savannah

My son is 8 yrs old. Ever since I can remeber he has blinked alot. I mean alot! Someweeks are better then others. I don't mention it to him because I think he does ...


Any Suggestions on How to Get Eye Drops in My Daughter's Eyes?

M.J. asks from Chicago

My 3 year old daughter has pink eye for the first time and while it isn't a severe case the doctor prescribed drops for her eyes. The last few times I have tried to p...


5 Year Old Sleep Walking, Eyes Wide Open, Urinating Random Locations

M.G. asks from Houston

I know that boys seem to have an issue when it comes to having "accidents" in bed at night which we have dealt with. However; my husband and I have now caught our so...


My Son Blinks Excessively

S.R. asks from McAllen

The subject pretty much says it all. My son is blinking a lot more than normal, sometimes is like he is blinking twice every time. Anyone has experience this with t...


Seeking Advice from Moms Who Have Dealth with This

A.T. asks from Seattle

So I picked my son up from daycare yesterday and I noticed that he is blinking a lot more than normal and when he does he squeezes his eyes shut for just a second bef...


6 Year Old Grinds Teeth at Night and Blinks a Lot All Day

L.B. asks from Washington DC

At night, my son grinds his teeth so hard you can hear him in the next room. He is also blinking a lot right now. I took him to the doctor after his kindergarten te...

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