birth control that is safe while breastfeeding

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Results 21-30 from 1,404 articles

Still Nursing 12-Month Old, Birth Control Pill Safe?

D.B. asks from Dallas

I am still breastfeeding my 12 month old...I was interested in starting birth control pills and my ob-gyn prescribed ortho-tri-cyclen. However when I read about it on...


Seeking Advice About Birth Control While Breastfeeding

R. asks from Lexington

my partner and i will be reunited in a couple of months after almost a year of separation, and i am starting to plan for birth control. i am breastfeeding, so i do n...


Is the Nuva Ring Safe While Breastfeeding?

D.W. asks from Evansville

I just had my second baby 3 months ago and I am currently breastfeeding. When I went to my OB 2 weeks after my delivery and asked about birth control, she suggested ...


Natural Child Birth Control

L.S. asks from Austin

I had my obygn app this morning after having a baby girl 20 days ago. He talked to me about Natural Femenine Control as a birth control method, because I am breastfe...


Birth Control and Breastfeeding

A.M. asks from Minneapolis

I have an 8 week old baby and I am strictly breastfeeding. My question is my doctor put me on a low dose birthcontrol pill knowing I am breastfeeding, is it safe? O...


Birth Control Advice

B.D. asks from New York

Hi there. I am exclusively breastfeeding my 3 month old son, and tandem nursing my 23 month old as well. My OB/GYN gave me a prescription for Micronor birth contro...


Birth Control While Breastfeeding?

C.B. asks from Portland

I would like to take some sort of birthcontrol - but am still breastfeeding. I have tried to limit the amount of chemicals that go into my body - but am worried about...


Birth Control

K.M. asks from Los Angeles

My husband and I are pretty sure we are done with children after the birth of our next baby this summer, but I hesitate to make a "permanent" decision for either myse...


Birth Control Side Affects?

E.H. asks from Provo

I've heard from multiple sources that birth control really messes up your fertility cycle and makes it much more difficult to pregnant once off the pill. Any advice o...


Birth Control!! AHHHHH!!!!

M.R. asks from Benton Harbor

I am in a pickle when it comes to birth control.... I don't know what to choose! They all sound so terrible! What do you like to use?

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