best place to buy diaper

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Results 71-80 from 4,267 articles

Cloth Diaper Cream

A.B. asks from Spartanburg

So i have recently switched to cloth diapers and am very happy with my decision. I have been warned not to use diaper cream while using cloth diapers due to it making...


Diaper Rash with Blisters

S.P. asks from Cincinnati

My daughter has a little irritation in her diaper area that has resulted in a blister. There is just one, and it appears to be filled with clear liquid; it's very sm...


How Do You Change the Diaper Genie Bags?

A.S. asks from Tucson

I just bought a used diaper genie and i was trying to get the bags loaded and I have no clue how to. It came with no instructions, and there's nothing on line about ...


Need a Good Nighttime Diaper

T.S. asks from Philadelphia

My 7 month old son has been waking in the morning all wet above his diaper. This has been happening on and off since he was born but the past week and a half it has b...


Severe Diaper Rash!

C.M. asks from Toledo

My 12 month old developed a really bad diaper rash that has some bloody spots. What would be the best ointment to put on it. I feel really bad her bottom is so sore....


Should I Buy a Breast Pump?

E.B. asks from Kansas City

My five month old son normally breastfeeds well but lately I have been supplementing him with formula bottles when I visit my parents. I have been over there several...


Diaper Rash Treatments

A.S. asks from New York

My second child (1 week old boy) has diaper rash all over his little bottom. I never really experienced this with my daughter (now 2 years old) so am not familiar wi...


NEED Advice on Diaper Rashes!

M.C. asks from Louisville

My daughter is six months old and has her first diaper rash. It is not bumpy or anything, but is very red in her little butt crack. We have always used desitin orig...


Diaper Leaking at Night

S.W. asks from Iowa City

My 2 yr old son's diaper leaks every night. I have tried a couple of brands of diapers & do not know what to do short of having to wake him up & change him. He usuall...


Bad Diaper Rash

A.C. asks from Huntsville

My 10 month gets such bad diaper rash, some times it blisters and bleeds, does anyone know what i can do to help this for her comfort. I use the A&D and that seems t...

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