baby walking

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15 Month Old Not Walking

H.J. asks from Lawton

My daughter is 15 months old and is still not walking. She walks when i hold her hand and she walks while holding onto something but cant seem to balance on her own. ...


Needing Walking Shoe Recommendations

K.A. asks from Philadelphia

My 15 month old daughter is finally walking. Her aunts are looking to purchase her first pair of walking shoes. We shopped at Olly for my older children and bought ...


Good Park for Walking with Newborn

J.L. asks from San Francisco

Does anyone know of a large park that is good for walking a baby in a stroller? I am interested in a park where I can spend 45 minutes at least and not circle the par...


13 Month Old Walking

M.M. asks from Indianapolis

I have a 13 month old that is not walking yet. He is cruising, but not walking. I am not concerned at this point. I know kids do things in their own time. However...


When Did Your Child Start Walking?

Y.K. asks from New York

my daughter is 13 months, she's not walking yet, but she is the fasted crawler (so she's getting around just fine). she is cruising holding furniture, standing up fro...


Walking on Tip Toes

S.S. asks from Milwaukee

Hello everyone I was just wondering if anyone has any suggestions on how to get my 1yr old to not walk on his tippy toes. He's not walking by himself yet but when we...


Seeking Public Area for Walking

K.W. asks from San Antonio

I'm a frist time mother, and I need to get out and start walking. I live in an apartment, in the 1604 and Hausman location. I wanted to know if there's any public are...


14-Month Old Not Walking

S.N. asks from Dallas

My 14-month old son is not walking yet. His pedi says he is fine, and I know that all children develop at their own pace. I guess I just want some reassurance from ...


15 Month Old Not Walking

A.W. asks from Atlanta

My little guy just turned 15 months old and is still not walking. He is cruising along furniture and may push his shopping cart around if I help him, but has no desir...


Walking Epidural Anyone?

A.D. asks from South Bend

Hi Moms. My question is: Have any of you ever had an ultra low dose or "walking epidural" with any of your labor & deliveries?? If so, what was your experience with...

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