baby startle reflex sleep

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Baby Sleeping

N.Z. asks from Chicago

My daughter is two months old...she sleeps so randomly. Sometimes she'll take a nap, sometimes she won't. Sometimes I can get her to lay in her crib, other times if ...


Colicy Baby

J.E. asks from Salt Lake City

My nephew is about 3 months and he is constantly crying. The Doc says it's colic. We have tried everything out there on the market to help him to no avail. Does an...


My 1-Week Old Doesn't Sleep Well in Her Bassinet-any Advice?

J.N. asks from Chicago

Hi to all moms! My 1-week old girl started sleeping very badly in her bassinet (which is in our bedroom)about 3 days ago. She grunts, whimpers and cries in her sleep...


Feeding Schedule and Sleep Help for Mom with 8 Week Old Infant + Toddler?

A.Z. asks from Boston

Dear moms, I am exhausted. I have a very active 3 year old boy and a 8 week old baby. My baby's naps are still erratic and don't coincide with my son's nap so I do...


Advice on Breaking Baby of Dependence on Swaddling

A.D. asks from Raleigh

Hello, Helpful Moms. I have a wonderful 3-month old son who overall is a very good sleeper. My challenge is that he sleeps well only when tightly swaddled, but now ...


Napping Issues - Baby Won't Nap Anywhere but on My Lap

L.D. asks from Austin

My 4 month old baby boy was extremely fussy for the first 3 months of his life. Not sure if he had colic or not, but he was very fussy. Even though he was a pretty ...


Expecting Our First Baby, Need ALL Sorts of Help!

K.L. asks from San Diego

My husband and I are expecting our first baby at the end of January. I just feel at lost for what to expect about anything and everything. We are so exciting about ...


Seeking Advice on the Baby Wise Feed/Wake/Nap Routine

T.H. asks from Monroe

My little girl is 3 weeks old today and I have read the Baby Wise book. It came highly recommened by friends and my pediatrician. She is doing great on the feeding e...


6 Week Old High-Need Baby

R.R. asks from Los Angeles

My son is 6 weeks old and wants to be held all the time, we have tried a bouncer, a swing and even the stroller but does not like to be in these places; he will cry e...


My Baby Is an Angel Until Around 7 Pm

G.H. asks from Raleigh

my month old baby girl is so sweet during the day. hardly cries, sleeps well, smiling and talking all day long. that is until 7 rolls around then she just screams. I...

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