baby rolling eyes back in head

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Results 141-150 from 587 articles

Shift in Vision--can't Think of What Else to Call It

S.L. asks from Boise

For the last few days, I've been having this "shift in my vision." I don't know what else to call it. I notice it especially when I'm driving, I think because I have ...


Possible Seizure?

S.M. asks from Dallas

Today while eating lunch my 22 month old son stopped eating, had a blank stare, then his eyes rolled back. I thought he was either trying to poop or choking, but he w...


7 Mo. Old Niece Is Developmentally Delayed

J.R. asks from Los Angeles

My mom (raised 9) and I (raising 3) are both very conflicted about what to say (or not) to my brother and his wife about their daughter. She is 7 months old, and stil...


3 Month Old Who Catnaps the Day Away.....

D.S. asks from Miami

I am a caregiver for a 3 month old baby. I have a concern about the baby's sleep patterns. According to mom and dad, the infant sleeps from 8:00 at night to around 6:...


Fussy Newborn

R.M. asks from Boston

I am a first time mom to a very fussy beautiful 5 week old little girl. She is a great nurser and loves to suck. She will not take a pacifier. She does not like her s...


"Support...YEAH RIGHT!!"

J.T. asks from Kalamazoo

I'm a mere 3 weeks from giving birth and bigger then ever and yet I still find that help is hard to find. I stay at home with my 2 year old daughter (who is crazy and...


10 Month Old Daughter Throwing Fits?

S.H. asks from South Bend

Hello ladies! I have a 10 month old daughter and although it may sound crazy, I think she is throwing fits! She does this in one of two circumstances. The first is wh...



G.M. asks from Los Angeles

Hello, I am trying no to freak out about this but my little one turning 14 months has this weird blinking that he does once in a while. He'll close his eyes shut ...


Toddler Bedtime Help

A.S. asks from Denver

My girl is just over 2 and we have recently (about 2 months ago) moved her to a bed (mattress) on the floor in her room. Prior to that she was in a crib. Bedtime was ...


Looking for Support During Limbo Marriage Time

J.S. asks from Elkhart

Hi to many of you that have prayed for me and given me good advice and support. Thank you all. I just need a little more if I may ask. I am reading the Power of a ...

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Answer Highlights

  • happiest baby on the block in 5 answers "I would say RUN out and get the book - The Happiest Baby on the Block and his DVD."
  • your brother and his wife in 3 answers "... with others you have to be sensitive about talking to your brother and his wife."
  • too shall pass in 4 answers "As with everything this too shall is just a long tough road, but they generally ..."
  • give her hugs and kisses in 2 answers "... bed make it clear she is to lay down and go to sleep. Give her hugs and kisses ..."
  • being seen by a doctor in 2 answers "Now if there is a chance that this child is not being seen by a doctor then I would ..."