baby rice cereal

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When Did You Begin Rice Cereal?

R.S. asks from Chicago

Hi there, My daughter just turned 5 months and has been exclusively breastfed since day 1. Perhaps it's my imagination but she seems to want to nurse an awful lot,...


Rice Cereal in Bottle

M.W. asks from Detroit

Hi Ladies! I have a 4 and a half month year old son who eats every 3 hours or so at night. My daughter slept through the night (7 hours or so) at about 8 weeks. Now I...


When to Introduce Rice Cereal?

K.F. asks from Seattle

my son just turned 4 months old on the 13th and at his check up the doc said it was ok to start solids (like rice cereal)now..but doesnt that seem early? I primarily ...


Bottle Nipples for Rice Cereal

K.K. asks from New York

My son is three months old. The other day we took him to the acid reflux doctor and he was diagnosed with a mild case of acid reflux. The doctor told us to start him ...


Allergy to Rice Cereal???

J.L. asks from New York

hi mommies! I would like some advice before I call my pediatrician tomorrow. My six month old son (a preemie born two months early) is exclusively breast fed. We foun...


When Is It Time to Feed Your Baby Rice Cereal?

A.R. asks from Nashville

Hello to all the moms on the website. I need to know when to start giving my baby (Kaylee) rice cereal. She is going to be 4 month on Dec.8th. I was reading on a we...


Seeking Soy Free Infant Rice Cereal

K.B. asks from Lincoln

I am looking for a soy free infant rice cereal for my baby....Any Ideas?? Thanks


When to Start Rice Cereal for Breastfed Baby?

A.W. asks from Grand Junction

My DS is almost 4 months and I am wondering when to start him on rice cereal. The ped said anytime now, but I wondered when other BFing moms started!


When Is It OK to Start Baby on Rice Cereal?

N.N. asks from Dallas

I know this may sound like a silly question but when is it OK to start baby on cereal. I know most of the baby books and doctors say 4 months but I swear that almost...



R.S. asks from New York

I wanted 2 know when 2 start givin my 3mth cereal. I have friends who started since their babies were 2mths! I wuz thinkin more around 5mths. I don't want her 2 get c...

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