baby hamper

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J.B. asks from Los Angeles

Hi Ladies, Well I decided to get some advice about an issue I've been having. I have a daughter who is going to be 8 years old. For the past 6 months I have been hav...


Jealosy Problems with Our Cat

M.T. asks from Dallas

This may seem like a strange request, but since our babies were born 2 years ago our cat has had terrible "sibling rivalry" problems. She steals their baby socks from...


Should Stay at Home Moms Expect Husbands to Help Around the House?

C.A. asks from Tampa

Just wondering if I am the only one that feels as they can't get ahead. I feel like by the time I get the kitchen cleaned from breakfast it is lunch time then time to...


Reasonable Expectations for a Six-year-old

A.L. asks from Austin

Hello, ladies! It seems sometimes that my oldest child (she is six) gets the brunt of my parenting mistakes. She's the "test" child, I guess. I recently discove...


Not Being Tolerant with Cats

J.P. asks from Bangor

Hi Mom's, We have two cats and have had them for about 3 years now. Before we had our 2nd child (who is now 7 months) I loved our cats and had all the patience in th...


Husband Is Buying a Motorcycle Period

A.C. asks from Portland

Okay, so you can read through all of my previous questions to get a feel for my life. Not much has changed despite really trying some of the suggestions from the mom'...


Couple of Questions

L.A. asks from Austin

We went to lunch yesterday with my dad and my stepmom. We had a very good time, nice visit. A washing subject came up and I was wondering what you all do. My fath...


Did You Decorate Your Toddler's Bedroom?

R.S. asks from Chicago

My mom bought our baby some beautiful bedding, complete with all accessories (lamp, hamper, wall decor, etc) for when she's a toddler. The pattern is called raspberry...


What Do to When Kids Come Home from Dad's

J.G. asks from Oklahoma City

My kids go to their dad's every other weekend and when they come home they are super clingy. The also fight and argue with me about everything. I can't get them to pu...


So What Exactly Does Immaturity Look like at Age Six?

R.S. asks from Chicago

I posted a question about our six, soon-to-be, seven year old and received wonderful feedback. Thank you. It has become abundantly clear to me that we really need to ...

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