baby dry skin

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Dry Skin Please Help.

J.C. asks from Dallas

My husband works on A/c and he works outside during these hot days. He had a dry patch on his back that has spread to his whole back. he has been doing this for 11 yr...


Help for Dry Skin

S.W. asks from St. Louis

My 7 year old girl has the driest skin on her hands that I have ever seen. Her fingers and knuckels stay red. The skin on her fingers is almost scaley. Her knuckel...


Dry Skin & Hormones

J.J. asks from Omaha

I've been having severe dry skin problems and wonder if it's possibly hormonal related. I've had 5 children. I'm 40 yrs old. After the birth of my last baby I've h...


Dry, Itchy Skin

A.B. asks from Madison

for the past 2 weeks or so, my skin has felt very itchy. it is primarily on my upper body (chest, neck, back). i've never really been one to apply lotion on a daily b...


Patches of Dry Skin

J.M. asks from Cleveland

My daughter has a patch of skin on each cheek that is extremely dry. The pediatrician said to use Aveeno lotion everyday and they will go away. I have been using th...


Really Dry Skin?

M.M. asks from Chicago

Hi mama's, Both of my kids have really dry skin. Dry and coarse to the touch - they get it from their dad. I slather them up with lotion (regular intense moisturizin...


Dry Skin & Bathing

L.O. asks from Chicago

Hi Mamas, My daughter will be 4 in June and has very dry skin. I'd like to know how other moms deal with bathing issues. I don't want to over bathe (if that's poss...


Good Cream for Dry Skin

M.M. asks from Detroit

Durning the winter months my 4 year old son has very dry itchy skin especially on his legs we have a humidifier in the house and I put cream on him daily everyone els...


Remedy for Dry, Scaly Skin

M.S. asks from Minneapolis

Ever since the weather changed from 50s to 30s and below, my daughter's skin has become very scaly and bumpy and dry. The same thing happened last year and I am pret...


What Can I Do for My Son's Dry Skin?

S.T. asks from Albany

My two year old son has such sensitive skin and there are dray marks on his legs especially behind the knees and they are sooo big and and I want to take care of thos...

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Answer Highlights

  • renew lotion and bath oil in 2 answers "Renew lotion and bath oil! There is nothing out there better!"
  • johnsons soothing naturals in 2 answers "My 11 week old has eczema and I use aquaphor and johnsons soothing naturals."
  • dry skin issues in 2 answers "I finished menopause, dont have any dry skin issues."
  • petroleum jelly in 2 answers "PS Avoid petroleum jelly as it is just that, a petroleum product and it is toxic."
  • coconut oil in 3 answers "I get mine at Also, coconut oil!"