babies eyes change color

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Waiting Worth It?

A.S. asks from Hartford

So i found out i am about 3 months pregnant with are 3rd baby.I already have a boy and a girl so it would be fun to have it be a surprise.But now i am thinking that i...


Your Baby Is so...JFF

A.A. asks from Tulsa

After the birth of my son, I was surprised at how vocal strangers were when we were out in public. He was built like a snowman, in the 95th percentile at 2 months an...


Imaginary Friend to Blame....

B.F. asks from Toledo

Hello moms, I have a 3 1/2 yr old daughter who is very bright and an absolute school. My problem is she has imaginary friends she calls her babies, siste...


Inter-racial Couples with Children...Why People Are So Amazed?

S.G. asks from Dallas

I don't see what all the shock or taboo is about. My husband and me have been married for many years. I'm black & mexican and my husband is swedish. We have two beau...


Is My Son White or Mixed?

B.D. asks from New York

around the time I got pregnant, I didn't know if my son was white or mixed with african american. He is now four months old and looks white he has soft blonde hair ba...


Husband Having Trouble Accepting New Son...

M.M. asks from Lake Charles

I want to start by saying I'm married to the most amazing man ever. I haven't always been the best partner and instead of running he's committed to changing whatever ...


Biological Child APPEARS to Be of Another Race.

M.S. asks from Omaha

This is somewhat specific and I may not get any responses. But you never know. I am African American, as is my husband. People often mistake me for mulatto (bi-racial...


Why Do Parents Dress Their Children Alike?

E.M. asks from Johnstown

Especially twins? They are individuals. From my own experience, the children don't like it, so why do parents do it? ETA: I'm not talking about the same thing, ...


Tall Girl, Tall Parents

C.M. asks from Minneapolis

My girl is tall. She's a 4th grader, but is as tall as many 6th graders. Since preschool, she's been nearly the tallest kid in class every year. I am 5'10" & my hu...


Newborn with Jaundice Due to Breastfeeding

M.W. asks from Bloomington

Has anyone ever had an experience with their newborn that has developed jaundice due to breastfeeding? I have a newborn that is one week old. In the hospital, they ...

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