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Taking 16 Year Old to the Gynecologist?

M.M. asks from Springfield

I Just made her a Gynecologist appointment for friday after school (only time they could find a spot), and i just told her today, and I could tell she was nervous alr...


Car Accident Settlement

A.D. asks from Atlanta

In the past, many people shared experiences that I found worthwhile. I am hoping that some of you can share again to help me. I am trying to decide what the final off...


Traveling with Kids & TSA Concerns

E.D. asks from Dallas

Looking for advise from some traveling families! We're trying to decide on a family vacation this year, but we both have concerns about flying with our 3-year old dau...


Blocked Tear Duct

A.F. asks from St. Louis

Hi- My 7 month-old has had a blocked tear duct since birth. I've massaged it and cleaned it daily, but just recently, it had gotten infected so we went to the dr. H...


Looking for Other Moms like Me.

A.R. asks from Columbus

Hi I'm a stay at home mom of 1 son who is 8yrs old. I don't really know what I'm expecting from this, but I was wondering if there were any other moms out there that...



T.W. asks from Florence

My sons new doctor is sending him to an ear not and throat doctor this up coming Monday, June 30th. Have any of you had young children have this surgery. I am pretty ...


Need Help!!!

C.M. asks from Myrtle Beach

I need some advice... Yesterday was my little girls 15 mth wellness check- her pediatrician labeled her "as speech delayed with cronic fluid in her ears"... he said h...


Are Sahms a Dying Breed?

G.L. asks from Portland

I'm the only SAHM on my street. I think the other Moms are starting to look down on me because I don't bring home hefty pay checks like they do. *sigh* The other M...

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Answer Highlights

  • had chronic ear infections in 3 answers "My son is 17 months old. He had chronic ear infections and we got ear tubes a few ..."
  • suffer from mild depression in 2 answers "Im active duty though. I too suffer from mild depression, though i deny it most times."
  • hasnt had an ear infection in 2 answers "... immediately began speaking much more clearly, and he hasn't had an ear infection ..."
  • chronic ear infections in 3 answers "I wouldn't say he had chronic ear infections just ones that the neds would not get ..."
  • speech language pathologist in 2 answers "... problem of speech delay with my children, but I am a Speech Language Pathologist ..."