assessment math

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6 Yr Old Tactile Learning Active Boy in Kinder-they Want Him Medicated, I Say No

E.T. asks from Dallas

I have a 6 yr old tactile learning boy who is struggling behavior wise at school. his grades are 90% satisfactory with above average grades in reading and math and be...


Repeating Kindergarten

A.D. asks from New York

hi My 5 year old is being retained and will repeat kindergarten based on his teacher's assessment. Her assessment is that he's border line academically. She menti...


Should I Have My Son Tested?

L.O. asks from Detroit

My son is 4 1/2. He is very smart but seems very immature. He will start kindergarten in the fall. I cant imagine him in a classroom setting. Today we went to dro...


Late Walkers Are Smarter???

L.D. asks from Los Angeles

Last night a friend of mine said that babies that walk later, crawl longer, are smarter than kids who walk early. She said the action of crawling requires a lot more...


Mathnasium in Frisco

C.G. asks from Dallas

Hi, My daughter is in 3rd grade and struggled with Math the majority of the year. Even though towards the end she made great improvements, I want her to get some tu...


Lexile Range And/or RIT Score for Kindergartner

E.M. asks from Chicago

My son, who is in Kindergarten, just rec'd his MAP scores back. Hix Lexile range is 33-183. I can't really figure out what that means. Anyone out there able to give m...


Need Help Putting Son's Grades into Perspective

R.P. asks from Philadelphia

My son pretty much got 90% - 100% on every assessment he took in first and second grade. Third grade has been challenging. He gets a lot of A's, but also brings home ...


Seeking Moms of ADD Children

L.D. asks from Huntsville

My son is 11 and has been diagnosed with ADD. He does not take medicine, I am learning about this disorder. Two nights ago he made the comment that he was going to h...


Sylvan, Kumon, or Neither?

L.W. asks from Portland

Hi there! Just wondering if any of you have experience with Sylvan or Kumon or the likes. I am looking to get my 4th grader some extra help in Math mostly. I know it'...


Do You Think Your Kid Is Smart than Your Teacher Thinks He/she Is?

A.S. asks from Eugene

My dd is in the 3rd grade and reading at 5th grade level. At the beginning of school she was given the placement tests and was on board line of the top reading grou...

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