apartment for rent

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Results 31-40 from 1,691 articles

Would You Rent to Somebody with Bad Credit?

Y.C. asks from New York

I would like to know your opinion if you would rent to somebody with bad credit. Less say that the person had a no so bad credit for most of the 7 years, struggle fo...


Looking for Apt for Rent for Me and My Daughter

N.N. asks from Detroit

If somebody knows any apt for rent in livonia or near livonia,michigan ...I just started a new job there and it's just me and my daughter so will need one bedroom for...


In Desperate Need of Help with Rent.

A.H. asks from Philadelphia

My situation is: I lost my main source of income in May. I am in the hiring process of a job that does not start until Aug. 30. I am behind in my rent for this month ...


To Rent or Buy a Carpet Cleaner?

J.V. asks from Las Vegas

I've been thinking about either buying a carpet cleaner or renting one for a very long time now. I live in an apartment and well it's covered with stains and I've tri...


Looking for House to Rent!

C.R. asks from Phoenix

I am a single mom looking to rent a home in the east valley for around $850 a month. I know, dont laugh. I need at least 2 bedrooms and must have a garage and small y...


What the Best Place to Rent?

D.L. asks from Omaha

Well I am trying to find a place to move into instead of having my lawyer kick my hubby out. Really, since it would only be a temp kick out of him anyways, I couldn't...


Sell House Rent Place

S.H. asks from Kansas City

Did anyone ever just sell their house and rent a place even though you had the money to still keep your house? I feel owning a home is so expensive and one thing afte...


Enforcing Rent with Older Children

H.D. asks from Boston

Hello, I am wondering if anyone has experienced this. At the advice of several people, we plan to collect rent from our 18 year old daughter after she graduates h...


Would You Charge Your Kids Rent?

D.H. asks from Dallas

Hi I would just like yall's thoughts on charging your children rent... My husband's oldest daughter still lives with us she is only 19 but graduated early when she wa...


Mold in Apartment

J. asks from Chicago

We are renters and have suffered from drenched carpet for the last year. Any time it rains or snows a large area of my carpet gets soaked. We call our landlord and ...

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