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A.M. asks from Grand Rapids

Hi All - I just started seeing a therapist and she suggested I try an antidepressant. I'm all for taking something in order to help me feel better but am leary. My ...


Tired All the Time

C.Z. asks from Sioux City

It seems for the last month or so I have been tired all the time. The only thing that has changed is I started an antidepressant and my BC. I work the same hours, I s...


How Do Antidepressants Really Affect You?

M.L. asks from Cleveland

I don't mean this is a flippant way, but would taking an antidepressant make me more interested in making small talk with people and in doing housework. I'm findin...


Bed Wetting

B.R. asks from Bangor

My 8 year old can't seem to get through the night without wetting the bed. She is frustrated when she gets up in the morning with a wet pull up. The doctor gave us ...


Seeking the Right Prescription

T.J. asks from Chicago

Is anyone on an antidepressant or anti anxiety medicine that they feel works without too many side effects? I have been on 40 mg of Lexapro for several months now as ...


Safe Anti-anxiety Medication While Breastfeeding?

K.M. asks from Portland

I am going to see a doctor on Monday to possibly start taking an anti-anxiety medication. I have pretty bad anxiety and have for my entire life. I am also currently...


Seeking Stay at Home Moms with Multiple Children near Muncie Indiana

M.S. asks from Muncie

I have a 7 year old son in the 1st grade and a set of twin boys that just turned two. I had a full time job that I loved before I gave birth to the twins. My husband...


Adolescents and Anti-depressants

S.E. asks from Philadelphia

As some of you may know I have a special needs child. Several separate professionals have told me that the time has come for her to take an anti-depressant to help h...



K.M. asks from Detroit

PMS symptoms Okay ladies I’m a 41 ½ year old and beginning to have a really difficult managing my pms symptoms. I work part time I have two children ages 10 & 1...


Dealing with Anxiety / Panic Attacks

A.H. asks from Canton

Is there any type of self meditation that works for panic attacks or anything over the counter (vitamin) you can take to deal with panic attacks / anxiety? My SO has ...

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Answer Highlights

  • stay at home mom blues in 2 answers "M., I know how you feel, I get the "stay at home mom blues""
  • evening primrose oil in 2 answers "I don't know if it's different than evening primrose oil, but the evening primrose ..."
  • your brain chemistry in 2 answers "... whole food diet - what you take into your body alters your brain chemistry."
  • had no weight gain in 2 answers "By the way I had no weight gain and feel like I sleep better and feel better."
  • anti anxiety meds in 2 answers "If he asks a pharmacist to give him a list of anti-anxiety meds on the $4 list at ..."