Alta Bates

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40 articles

Expecting Baby #2 in 4 Weeks. Need a Video to Explain New Baby???

S.R. asks from San Francisco

My daughter Georgia is 22 months old and we are expecting another little girl on June 13th. Georgia does really well with the babies at her day care providers, but I...


I'm Pregnant with Twins!

H.D. asks from Sacramento

We just found out that we are pregnant withTWINS!! We feel very, very blessed. We have one close family member that recently went through an emergency c-section wit...


Nipple Confusion

E.D. asks from San Francisco

My child was in the NICU for her first 5 days of her life. So, she was given bottled formula and pacifiers. I am pumping and she only drinks my breast milk, but she...


Wryneck - Head Tilts to One Side

S.H. asks from Sacramento

At my son's 4 month check up the Pediatrican told me that my son as Wryneck or Torticollis. This is a condition that causes the baby to hold her head in an abnormal p...


Help!! 3 Week Baby Driving Me Insane-new Mom at 45 Can't Handle It!!

S.B. asks from San Francisco

My baby is 3 weeks and is adorable but driving me nuts...he is waking up every 20 minutes and crying from about 9pm all night until around 11am. He wakes, fusses, i ...


Experiences of a C-section at UCSF

S.K. asks from San Francisco

Hi, I'm 37 weeks and unfortunately my baby has not turned down yet. We've tried a lot of things and are now looking at an external version procedure tomorrow. If tha...


Seeking Help with Grief

V.W. asks from San Francisco

Hi, I am hoping some of you mamas can help me out and give some much needed advice. I am feeling very traumatized because of frequent miscarriages mostly first tri...


Comfort/tips for Friend off to Really Rough Start Breastfeeding

S.C. asks from San Francisco

One of my dear friends is off to a really rough start breastfeeding her new 2-week old daughter. She had her cesarian, and then had probs with her milk coming in. H...


Breastfeeding, Can't Pump, Going Back to Work

S.R. asks from San Francisco

My son will be just over 9 months when I go back to work next month. I exclusively breast fed until he was 6 months and then began introducing solids. He is great w...



H.W. asks from San Francisco

So I am almost at 41 weeks, and having a healthy pregnancy but am just ready to do this already! I have tried most if the self-induction tricks, and NOTHING! My 41 w...

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