adult parties

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Living Back with Parents (As an Adult)

K.M. asks from San Francisco

I would like to hear other's experiences and tips when you have to live again with your parents (even for a small period of time) as an adult. I'm not going to get in...


At What Age Do You Stop Accompanying Kids to Parties?

N.K. asks from Miami

My daughter (aged 7) was invited to a birthday party yesterday. When I told my friend (a childless male) that I'd have to get ready to attend, he acted surprised tha...


What Do You Do for Your Kids Birthday Parties? Do You Invite Your Family?

V.D. asks from Salt Lake City

I'm curious what you for your child birthdays. Do you combine both your husbands and your family for a combined birthday celebration? Just pick one family each year...


Help with Invites to Children's B-day Parties

A.K. asks from Houston

Hello all, My oldest child is 7 yrs old and is now starting to be invited to birthday parties for friends at school. I have never let him go because of two reasons...


Child Birthday Parties-am I Missing Something?

S.B. asks from Dallas

Usually we have at home parties. I think we have great parties. We go all out, but I try to be smart and frugal about things. I plan plenty to do, shop smart and t...


Adult Sibling Relationships

K.S. asks from Denver

I'm hoping I'm not alone here, but you know how when you have a problem it can feel like no one else in the world has that problem? That's how I'm feeling. So the bac...


How Do You Handle a Teenager Learning to Spread Her Wings with Friends, Parties?

E.R. asks from Spartanburg

My 14yr old daughter is becoming quite popular with her friends, which is good. She's being asked over for visits and to parties. I've never let her go to a party exc...


JFF At What Age Do You Actually Feel like an Adult?

J.G. asks from Chicago

I have these moments when it completely hits me: I am an adult. I am 40, so it shouldn't surprise me, but last weekend, while doing something in preparation for a BB...


Family Kid Birthday Parties Without Any Games/fun for the Guest?

M.O. asks from Chicago

I need your advice and help. We have two upcoming family children's birthday parties in the next couple of weeks. The kids will be 3, the other 2. I don't expect...


How Much Do You Spend on Gifts for 13 Year-old's Friends' Birthday Parties?

E.F. asks from Portland

I know it varies for everyone, but I'm curious how much others feel is an appropriate amount to spend on birthday gifts for my 13 year-old's friends' parties? As an ...

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