adult diabetes

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Help My Diabetes Is Out of Control

My husband was just diagnosed with diabetes and I cut out all white stuff. ..... and I am a diabetic, and I have been for all of my adult life, I have now ...

How Do You Know If You Should Have Your Child Tested for Diabetes?

But he doesn't have diabetes!! Thanks so much to all the moms who really care and ... We are trying to encourage his mom to get him tested for diabetes. ...

Potty Training Regression

Oct 29, 2009 ... Have her checked for diabetes. My daughter who was diagnosed with type 1 ... The main signs of diabetes are extreme thirst, losing weight ...

Diapers for Sensitive Skin???

Her mother was diabetic and bed/wheelchair bound and obviously wore adult diapers. Add to that the diabetes. They tried EVERYTHING for diaper rash and sores ...

Life Insurance

... a beneficiary is important along with another adult just in case in every ... to get insurance as an adult My half brother was diagnosed with Diabetes ...

Night Time Urination

Have you been checked for Diabetes And what is a SAHM P ... This can be a symptom of a few other things such as diabetes so If it is a problem I would go ...

Need Pediatrician and Pediatric Endocrinologist

My husband has Type 1 Diabetes and has seen the same doctor since he was ... ( She finally had to suggest he find an adult Dr. when he was in college. ...

Border Line Diabetic Wants to Get Pregnant

I've had type 1 diabetes for 34 years now. I had a son 11 years ago and he is ... Make sure that they are not only experienced in managing diabetes, ...

Sugar Dropping During First Trimester of Pregnancy

Sep 2, 2009 ... gestational diabetes in 5 answersI dont know anything about gestational diabetes but I am in my 16th wk of pregnancy; low blood sugar in 2 ...

4 Year Old Has Cold and Cough Breath Smells Weird

no no no! don't wait to find out about diabetes, or you could wait too long! please have ... Fruity and sweet smelling breath could be a sign of diabetes. ...
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