a quiet night out

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Exchanging Napping for "Quiet Time"?

P.G. asks from Dallas

Hi Moms, My son's just a bit over 4 years old. He's still napping at home pretty consistently but I found out that he's not sleeping very long or at all during nap...


Quiet Secluded Place in Nature...

H.L. asks from Chicago

My husband is a musician and needs to find a secluded quite place he can go to write his music. He has tried several forest preserves in the area and they seem to be...


Up All Night...

R.S. asks from Dallas

Hi ladies, just wondering if anyone had any suggestions, here's my dillemma. I just had twin boys, they're 2 1/2 weeks old, who are perfect for me during the day...bu...


2.5 Year Old Girl Who Is NEVER Quiet and Changes Her Outfit Throughout the Day.

J.S. asks from Atlanta

How do you teach a very smart and articulate two and a half year old to shut her mouth ?!? She is fine going to time out but will sit and sing, loudly. She always si...


Tons of School Issues. . .to Speak up or Keep Quiet?

K.D. asks from Boston

It seems like my oldest daughter (5th grade) has a ton of issues at school with various teacher/grading/girl drama, etc. I try to let things slide and keep my mouth s...


Know of a Good, Quiet Family Fourth Thing to Do?

C.H. asks from Dallas

My grandson is a bit over 2. His ears are very sensitive to loud, sudden noises so he wouldn't appreciate the sounds that fireworks make. However, if they were muff...


My Husband Won't Be Quiet About My Little Girl's Belly!

J.H. asks from Austin

My daughter is 7 and a 1/2, and she is now wearing a size 8/10. She is 4'2" and 74#. She is really tall and has a long torso. But her belly pooches, so my husband thi...


Night Waking

L.D. asks from Washington DC

Does anyone have problems with their toddler waking thru the night? My daughter is almost 2. She has been waking up at night wanting to be covered up with her blanket...


Night Terrors

H.M. asks from Norfolk

My son who is 2 has just started having night terrors. Screaming, crying, shaking, inconsolable, and completely asleep. The more I try to comfort or wake him up the m...


Night Lights

J.C. asks from Detroit

My 19 month old has just started to talk about darkness. She is starting to not want to go into rooms when the lights are not on. At night when we have put her down s...

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