a banana for breakfast

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Results 61-70 from 2,661 articles

Bored with Breakfast - Need Ideas

M.R. asks from Chicago

I am so bored with my usual breakfast routine - whole grain English muffin with peanut butter and wheat germ with sliced banana. Help - I need new ideas but they hav...


Healthy Breakfast & Lunch Ideas

B.H. asks from Salt Lake City

I am pretty good with ideas when it comes to dinner, but I am at loss for more ideas for quick, healthy breakfast and lunch ideas. We do the traditional - toast, eggs...


Breakfast Food for 13 Mth

J.L. asks from Orlando

I have a 13 mth daughter, she is just getting her teeth in. She does have 5 now. So she is not eating a lot of hard foods yet. I am trying to make heatlhy and nutriou...


Healthy Breakfast Ideas

C.M. asks from Dallas

Hey Moms What are some healthy but fast breakfast ideas? So far we do eggs (scrambled or fried), homemade oatmeal, homemade yogurt I am trying to move myse...


Healthy Breakfast Ideas

J.S. asks from Salt Lake City

I have never been a great breakfast eater and feel bad because my bad habits are becoming my kids'. We go through a LOT of cold cereal- which is expensive and SO sug...


Recipe for Healthy Breakfast Bar/cookie?

D.T. asks from Dallas

My daughter will be starting kindergarten in two weeks and I am really worried about the morning routine. She is NOT a morning person and expecting her to eat breakfa...


Cocoa Puffs for Breakfast?

R.W. asks from New York

I usually give my daughter plain cheerios with milk every morning for breakfast. Last week my daughter asked for cocoa puffs so my husband gave them to her for breakf...


Daughter Won't Eat Breakfast Before School

A.A. asks from Lansing

Hello Ladies, The school year is beginning and I know that it benefits a child when they eat breakfast before going to school. My seven year old daughter is not a b...


Drinkable Breakfast for Toddler

T.S. asks from Philadelphia

My son is 19 months old. I've been noticing that at breakfast, sometimes he will eat and sometimes he won't. More often he will eat a few bites of Cheerios and then w...


Breakfast & Lunches on School Days

A.S. asks from Chicago

Hi Moms - With the start of school (unfortunately) just around the corner, I am looking for new ideas for breakfast & lunch for the kids. I need breakfast ideas that...

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