8 month old baby girl

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Is It a Boy or Girl?

L.S. asks from Fort Wayne

First off, I'm pregnant and due at the end of May. At my last appt. the baby's heartbeat was 166, and the doctor laughingly said that if we were counting at home, we ...


8 Month Old Wakes up a Lot During Night

H.L. asks from Burlington

I have seen the sleep issue posted and discussed many times but I am still struggling with my 8 month old waking several times during the night. We put our son to b...


Trying for a Girl!

D.K. asks from Wichita

We have two beautiful boys and are ready to start trying for #3. Obviously I would really like a girl. Are there any "tricks" or methods to improve the chances of h...


8 Month Old Is Addicted to Her Pacifier for Sleep

A.S. asks from Los Angeles

I need to get rid of the pacifier. It is killing me. I have an 8 month old who knew how to self soothe herself at 4 months. She was sleeping through the night becau...


8 Month Old Won't Eat Pureed Baby Food

C.R. asks from New York

Hi Everyone, My 8 month old will see his pediatrician next month but I thought I'd ask if anyone has had this problem. My son has refused pureed baby food since si...


9 Month Old Baby

T.S. asks from Boston

Hi there I have a 9 month old baby girl. that up to speed with everything. but there are two thing that I am not sure about. The 1st is that she's not holding her own...


Flying with My 8 Month Old

P.P. asks from Tallahassee

I am going to be flying with my 8mo baby girl at the end of this month. The flight is scheduled around her nap time, however she isn't one of those babies who will f...


8 Month Old and Constipation

S.A. asks from Boise

My eight month old has severe constipation. For the past 4 days has been pooping rabbit pellets. In fact last night he pooped and when i changed him, his bottom was s...


I Would Love to Have a Girl

J.R. asks from Boston

Hello Ladies, I am the mother of two beautiful boys ages 4 and 1. I love my boys but we are about to try for number three and I would love to have a girl. Of course...


Girl Names

M.F. asks from New York

Any good old fashioned girl names you can think of ? I don't know what I am having yet (my second). I have a boys name but can not think of a girls. Wow I wasn't ex...

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Answer Highlights

  • dark karo syrup in 5 answers "CONSTIPATION - Take 1T of Dark Karo syrup mix with 8oz of warm water."
  • taking charge of your fertility in 2 answers "I also used "Taking Charge of your Fertility""
  • during take off and landing in 2 answers "... so that if she is a wake she can suck on the bottle during take off and landing ..."
  • old wives tale in 3 answers "Old wives tale, but true for me...my son was lower and up and down."
  • old fashioned names in 4 answers "... cousin of mine named her daughters Lydia and Adeline -- nice old fashioned names."