4 month old waking up at night

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7 Month Old with Short Naps and Night Waking -- Ideas?

A.V. asks from Boston

Hi all, My wife and I have a 7.5 month old that has never been a great sleeper. He rarely takes more than a 20-35 minute nap. He's waking up every 1.5-3 hours at nigh...


21 Month Old Waking up at 4:30 Am

R.K. asks from San Francisco

hi moms, my daughter is waking up at 4:30 -5 am each morning. she wants to come into the bed with me, nurse, and SOMETIMES falls back to sleep. this process can la...


10 Month Old Baby Waking Frequently at Night

I.R. asks from Richmond

My 10 month old has never slept through the night- but would sleep for 4-5 hours at a time. For the last 2 months he started waking up almost every hour or two at nig...


9 Month Old Waking Every Two Hours at Night!

K.E. asks from Sacramento

My 9 month old son has been a GREAT sleeper since he was born. Recently, though, about 1 week ago, he started waking every two hours at night. He usually goes down ...


4 Month Old Not Sleeping Through the Night

A.B. asks from Milwaukee

My daughter has been sleeping through the night since she was about a month old. In that last couple of weeks she has started waking up to eat at least once and just ...


My 9 Month Old Is Waking in the Middle of the Night...

N. asks from Dallas

My 9 mo. old daughter has been sleeping through the night since 6 weeks old. She has always been a great sleeper and napper. Recently, she has been waking between 11:...


7 Month Old All of a Sudden Waking at Night Screaming.......... HELP!!!!!

A.L. asks from New York

I need some help!!!! Our 7 month old has been sleeping through the night since about 5 months. No night wakings for feedings or anything and we were all well rested a...


10 Month Old Waking for 2 Hours at Night

K.H. asks from Albany

I have a 10 month old girl who was sleeping mostly through the night until she started teething. She used to go to bed around 8:30 and then waking up about 2am or so ...


7Mo Old Keeps Waking up in the Night!!

N.T. asks from Detroit

Help! My baby had been sleeping through the night since she was 3 mos old. Then 1 mo ago she started waking up in the night. She typically wakes up about 3 times c...


16 Week Old Has Started Waking at Night

J.O. asks from Denver

My son is 16 weeks old and from the time he was 5 weeks old he would sleep through the night (until about 7am or so). I started back to work in August and he kept sl...

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