4 month baby fussy

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Naps and Fussy Time

A.S. asks from Albany

I have a 6 month old and about a month and 1/2 ago we started to put her in the crib for naps. She sleeps there for night time too, since about 4 months. We were us...


6 Month Old Baby Still Cries a Lot and Is Very Fussy

K.K. asks from Los Angeles

Hello- my 6 month old son cries A LOT. He has always been fussy, but I thought it would get better by now. Once he gets in a "mood", it is difficult to console or d...


3 Month Old Baby Who Was Never Fussy Then the past Couple Weeks Is Starting

M.F. asks from Miami

I am a first time mom and a little paranoid about everything. They say you will know when something isn't right, but I feel that way about every little thing. When I ...


Very Fussy 10 Month Old? Help!!

B.L. asks from San Diego

I have a 10 month old son who is normally a happy content baby but the last couple days he has been extremely fussy and I can't figure out why! He does have 4 teeth c...


Four Month Old Suddenly Fussy

K.P. asks from Athens

My son has always has such a sweet disposition. He's always eaten well and slept well after 2 1/2 months. Suddenly, he's become very fussy and irritable. Nothing w...


Is It Normal for a 4 Month Old to Be Extremely Fussy After Getting a Steroid Sho

M.B. asks from Alexandria

She was snotty but it was clear and no fever. She got the shot yesterday and the only time she isn’t fussy is while breastfeeding but she is wanting to stay on it a...


Baby Is Extremely Fussy, Very Restless and Refuses to Sleep Without Bottle .

M.L. asks from Louisville

My 10 week old granddaughter is an extremely restless and fussy baby. She is constantly kicking and moving and crying or fussing. I am not exaggerating , there is har...


Fussy Eater?

C.V. asks from Reno

Hi. I am asking ffor my sister in law. she has 3 month old twins. They are eating formula and gaining weight and such. The problem is one of them cries while he s eat...


Fussy Time, and Getting 5 Month Old to Sleep in Crib

A.S. asks from Albany

I have a few questions... 1. I have an almost 5 month old and we are still dealing with the fussy time at night. Sometimes it can be 4-8, of fussyness, or an hour or...


Fussy to Sleep

J.M. asks from Milwaukee

Hi. My 2 month old son will not go to sleep without a tantrum. He is RARELY content during the day. I would think it is colic, but it is only during the day and only ...

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