3 year old not talking

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L.L. asks from Sacramento

Hi, I was just wondering how long does it take a child to learn how to say full sentences? My son is ten months old and so far all he says is: Mommy, ba ba, up, and l...



T.K. asks from Chicago

My 15 month old son says very few words, his favorite of course is Ma Ma, and then Da Da and recently a-ma (grandma), I am a bit concerned that he wont say anything e...



T.P. asks from Atlanta

My son is over 2 years old and i have a problem getting him to repeat what I am trying to teach him. He is a very active child and i am worried about adhd but he is ...


Why Aren't You Talking?

T.L. asks from Bakersfield

Hi everyone. I was just wondering: my son is 16 months old and he doesn't talk. He is extremely smart...I'm not just saying that as his mother. But he doesn't talk at...


Two Year Old & Talking

A.S. asks from San Angelo

My son will be two in September and I am unsure whether or not I should be concerned about him talking. A little background: According to the mothers, my brother and...



E.D. asks from San Francisco

my son is 18months and still does not talk. He understands when i tell him to do something, points to things, he babbels, and even will take my hand and pull me to th...


Should She Be Talking More?

S.W. asks from Evansville

Emily will be 17 months on the 11th of next month. She can say drink (dink), bye bye (when she REALLY wants to), Katie (dayday), Da Da, Ma Ma (once in a great while),...



A.F. asks from Las Vegas

I have a child that just turned 4 and he has trouble speaking he only speaks about 15 words. And Ive had in speech class bout 6 months now andhes improving but I feel...


Help! 3 Year Old Talking Back and Fits of 'Rage'

A.R. asks from Madison

We are struggling with how to deal with our son who is 3 (will be 4 in March). Overall its seem like 3 has been easier than 2, on terms of any behavior problems, but ...


3 Year Old Keeps Talking About the Daddy She's Never Met

K.A. asks from Portland

My daughter's biological father and I have been separated since I was 4 months pregnant, and the divorce was finalized two months after my daughter was born. I moved...

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