3 year old development

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Speech and Development Question

M.S. asks from San Francisco

Hi, my son is 16 months old and is a wonderful, happy child. I am however concerned about his speech because he seems to be stuck on saying all words with either a b ...


13 Year Old Development

M.S. asks from Boston

My 13 year old daughter is healthy at a normal 5' 1", and a weight of 99 pounds. She is active and looks great, but she is troubled by the fact that most of her frien...


Discipline with 3 Year Old

A.W. asks from Dallas

Hey moms. I need some advice for disciplining my 3 year old. She has always been well behaved and a good listener and time outs have always been effective at calming ...


ASQ Questionnaire on Child Development

P.C. asks from Phoenix

Why is this Questionnaire being used in the 21st Century? It's not based on a Child's individual merits.Based on *age group*. If your child has strong Motor skills bu...


7 Month Baby Language Development, Mom Is Anxious and Worries Sick

L.Y. asks from Atlanta

My baby girl will be 7 month in 5 days, everything was fine when she was born. But she’s kind of slow, she follows objects very well after she turned 3M old, she t...


Daughter's Language Development

D.L. asks from Atlanta

My daughter just turned two and she went in for her 2 yr, check up. She is completely healthy, however the doctor was concerned about her vocabulary. She stated she s...


I'm Concerned About My 9 Month Old Daughters Development..

D.L. asks from Tucson

My daughter just turned 9 months old, she is still not sitting up or crawling. She gets on her hands and knees but just rocks, she dont move..Im concered, and i think...


Is My 10 Month Old Delaying in Development?

V.D. asks from Sarasota

I have a beautiful 10 month old baby girl (10 months since 5 days ago) and she hasn't crawled or walked. She can kind of pull herself up to stand of I hold her hands ...


3 Year Old--

R.S. asks from Chicago

Our daughter turned 3 at the end of July. We value manners in our house and at this age, we do a lot of reminding and modeling---though she is quite good at saying pl...


3 Year Old Not Having Conversations

J.G. asks from Philadelphia

I took my daugther to her 3 year check up and the doctor said we should see a speech therapist because she is not really holding conversations. At the same time the ...

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