3 weeks pregnant signs

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Am I Pregnant?

P.J. asks from Columbus

ok I am a week and a half late. I have relized that I am alway hungrey when I maybe ate 1 meal a day. I am tired all the time. So I finally took a test well it was...



E.V. asks from Houston

My period is seven days late and i have taken two pregnancy tests and they both said negative, could i still be pregnant?also i have been having some small twinging c...


Pregnant Again!!!

J.L. asks from Dayton

Well, here we go again. I went to the doctor and he said I was 6 weeks pregnant (which in actuality it was only 4 weeks) then I had an ultrasound yesterday and I am 8...


Pregnant or Not?

K.G. asks from Pocatello

Well, my husband and I have been trying for another baby for about 5 months now, and every month I've thought I was pregnant, just to be dissapointed. I was calculati...


Seeking Advice 38 Weeks Pregnant and No Contractions

B.C. asks from Denver

I am 38 weeks pregnant and I have not had the slightest clue this baby is coming...Is it normal to go this long without a contraction. I have been told by the Dr. tha...


5 Weeks Pregnant and Seeking Insight to What's Normal

N.M. asks from Albuquerque

I am 5 weeks pregnant and feel small cramping periodically throughout the day. How normal is this? I know that I'm not through the gray zone yet (as we have already...


Are There Any Early Signs to Tell If I Will Deliver Early?

T.P. asks from Denver

I have heard that first babies typcially deliver later than their due date and have slower labors. I am 6 weeks from my due date and worried about working right up to...


Early Labor Signs? When to Go to Hospital???

A.M. asks from Dallas

Ok, I've done this once already but for some reason, I feel like I'm starting over. Last time, I had no signs of early labor. I was awoken in the middle of the night(...



M.R. asks from Salt Lake City

Some of you might remember my "why am I so tired" request. Well I was not pregnant then. Now, I've been feeling really odd. Before I get into more details I should e...

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