3 month baby weight

Related Questions & Answers

Results 21-30 from 13,877 articles

Post Baby Weight

L.T. asks from Chicago

Can anyone tell me of a good exercise class to take that will help shed this post baby weight!?!


Baby Not Gaining Enough Weight

S.S. asks from Las Vegas

Hello ladies, I am a mother of two beautiful kids, Boy 3 years and a baby girl 4 months two weeks old. My deepest concerns is that my baby girl is not gaining enou...


Idea's for Baby Weight.

L.S. asks from Grand Rapids

I took my 9 month old daughter to the doctor yesterday and found out she is in the 5th percentile for her weight. She eats all the time and I don't feed on a schedule...


Losing Weight After Baby

B.E. asks from Philadelphia

My Daughter will be 2 in December. I STILL have not lost all the baby weight. Does anyone have suggestions that have helped them??? I am overweight to begin with a...


Losing Weight After Baby

S.K. asks from Minneapolis

Hello! I know this seems a little early to be asking, but I want to be prepared. I have always been the girl who could eat whatever she wanted and not gain weight. I ...


Baby Eating but Not Gaining Weight.

A.E. asks from San Antonio

My son is 10 months old and he only weighs 14 lbs. He's very long though, about 26-27 inches. He's true to size as far as onesies and shirts, but I have to put him ...


Losing Baby Weight

A.B. asks from Odessa

My son is almost 3 and I can not get rid of the baby weight. I have tried everything.. I dont know whatelse to try.. anyone have any suggestions or secrets you can pa...


Breastfeed Baby Not Gaining Weight

L.W. asks from Saginaw

I have a 7 week old baby who was born weighing 7lbs 9oz and when she left the hospital she weighed 7lbs a week later she weighed 6lbs 13oz. My doctor watches her weig...


Weight Loss

J.W. asks from Kansas City

I was wondering if anyone knows of any herbal pills for weight loss? I am trying to lose weight and want to do it healthy. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Is My Weight Loss After Baby Normal?

J.J. asks from Los Angeles

Hi ladies :) I just had my 3rd baby almost 6 weeks ago and was wondering about weight loss at this point. I gained 37lbs with this last pregnancy and have only lost 2...

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Answer Highlights

  • local la leche league in 2 answers "... concerned about it, talk to a Lactation Consultant or your local La Leche League ..."
  • rejoined weight watchers in 2 answers "I have rejoined Weight Watchers and back in 2001 I lost 30 pounds in less than 8 months ..."
  • drink lots and lots of water in 2 answers "... methods for increasing your milk supply are: 1) Drink lots and lots of water ..."
  • increase your milk supply in 2 answers "there are many ways to increase your milk supply."
  • its only been 6 weeks in 2 answers "Give yourself a little break...it's only been 6 weeks...the fact that you lost 21 ..."