22 weeks pregnant belly pictures

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Results 41-50 from 151 articles

Rude Co-Workers

H.M. asks from St. Louis

I am pregnant with my first child. I am about 20 weeks along and have gained 11 lbs. The doctor is happy with my progress, but my co-workers ganged up on me this pa...


36 Week Sono - 34 Wk Head Measurement?

T.B. asks from New York

I had my 36 week sono and i watched the screen. The tech took 3 measurements of the head. One measured 33 wks+ gestational age, one 34 + wks and one 35 + wks. The ...


How to Prepare a Two Year Old?

C.J. asks from Pittsburgh

I am 24 years old. My son will be 2 in november. How do you explain to a two year old that there is going to be a little brother or sister in just a short time. Don't...


Seeking Advice About Back to Back Babies

V.V. asks from San Francisco

I have a 3 month old daughter and have just found out that I am pregnant AGAIN! I want to know what I am in for. I would like to hear from moms in a similar position ...


Eating in First Trimester and Body Image Issues

L.S. asks from Austin

Hi everyone, I have two issues that I'm hoping to get some wisdom on. 1) I'm about 8 weeks pregnant with my second child. I have "morning" sickness from hell th...


How to Prepare Toddler for New Baby???

J.C. asks from Colorado Springs

What are some good ways to prepare our almost 2 year old for a new baby? We just found out we're pregnant but want to get her used to the fact sooner than later. Any ...


Any Advice on Helping Get an 18 Month Old Ready for a New Sibling?

S.Z. asks from Chicago

I'm now 27 weeks pregnant, so since I'm in my last 12 weeks (I'll have a c-section at 39 weeks) I think it's time to start trying to get my now 18 month old son accos...


We're Expecting! What Do I Need to Know Now?

K.E. asks from Los Angeles

Hubby & I just found out yesterday that we will be expecting our first!! We are beyond amazed at how quickly it happened and could not be any more excited!!! We bot...


Family Dog Dies and 13 Month Old Misses Her Terribly...

P.B. asks from Anchorage

We have had our dog for literally 13 years and just last week she was taken by cancer. I knew that me and my husband would have a hard time with it as she had been a...


Huge and Sore Early on in My Second Pregnancy

L.S. asks from Atlanta

Just wondering...I'm 24 weeks into my second pregnancy and I am really surprised at how much bigger I am than my first pregnancy and how sore I am this time around. ...

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