2 year old lingering cough

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Results 31-40 from 154 articles

Help! Flying Tomorrow & 2 Yr. Old Has Fever & Cough

T.A. asks from Chicago

Hi. We are supposed to fly out tomorrow morning to FL for a family vacation. My 2 year old. had a 102-103 degree fever off & on this weekend. This morning it was 10...


Concerned About Sons Cough?!?!

E.L. asks from Dallas

Our son continues to be sick with cough and runny nose. We don't know if its just the crazy weather, daycare or something else. He is only seven months has been on ...


Cough for Almost 4 Months.

A.L. asks from Bellingham

My son who is 6 months has had a cough since the begginning of dec. It all started when the whole family got sick with something. All of us except poor Noah have go...


Need Advice to Stop a Cough!

L.K. asks from Columbus

My poor little guy is 20 months old and has a horrible cough. He is trying to sleep right now and he is coughing CONSTANTLY. I use saline spray (the one for babies) i...


Mom Seeks Insight on Five Year Olds Chronic Cough

S.K. asks from Philadelphia

My Son has had this chronic cough for about six days. He seems fine, no fever, good appetite, color, activity. It's just scary that this cough has not gone away. He...


Long Lasting Cough in My 4 Yr Old.

B.S. asks from Chicago

Back on Dec 7th, i took my son to the doc cuz he had a sore throat, turned out to be strep, and he also had an ear infection. About mid way through his antibiotic tr...


Been Sick for Days, Cough Wont Go Away

L.U. asks from Seattle

Hi moms. It's not my son who is sick, it's me! I had a low grade fever from Sat. afternoon until last night at about 5pm. I have this COUGH that will not go away. ...


Daughter Has Cough for a Long Time and Now Fever

M.F. asks from Muncie

I am seeking advice on my 7 yr. old daughter. She has had a chronic cough on and off for about 3 years. We have been to the dr. many times for it and they have diag...


15 Week Old with Cough for Two Weeks Now-request an Dr.appt?

A.G. asks from Hartford

My 15 week old started daycare and two weeks later she caught a cold with cough. Not surprising. She is a BF baby, sleeps well, eats well, no fever, is a VERY happy b...


2 1/2 Yr Old Coughing During the Night...

M.T. asks from Salt Lake City

I am mother to four; My oldest is eleven, then five, then 2, and six months. My youngest has been battling a persistant cough since she turned 2. Up until now it ha...

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  • put vicks vapor rub in 3 answers "... may sound odd, but it works like a charm on my children:) Put vicks vapor rub ..."
  • use vicks vapor rub in 2 answers "sounds crazy but works for my kids. use vicks vapor rub on the bottom of your feet ..."
  • some vicks vapor rub in 2 answers "try some vick's vapor rub on his feet.....smooth on bottom of both feet and cover ..."
  • cough syrup with codeine in 2 answers "... pain in the butt.. Hang in there.. I wish I had some cough syrup with codeine ..."
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