17 weeks pregnant

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Need Advice: Changing OB/GYN Late in Pregnancy

I changed doctors at 25 weeks and it was the best decision I made When ..... 17 Weeks Pregnant & Seeking Attentive OBGYN Who Delivers at Kennestone Hospital ...

I Am About 6-7 Weeks Pregnant..

Most Humbling Moment as a Mom. Related Questions. I Need a Good OBGYN Can You Help · 17 ... 30 Weeks Pregnant Need Referral for New OB at Baylor Grapevine ...

So Not PC - Anyone Dislike Being Pregnant?

S.X. answers from Chicago on March 17, 2008. please. which is better, the many new moles or the hemmroids? I'm due in 6 weeks. Its not the pregnant i like, ...

Positive Pregnancy Tests

Now that I know I am pregnant how long do I have to wait before I tell .... yes in deed im 17 weeks prego and due in MarchThe pregnancy tests looks for the ...

14 Weeks Pregnant, with Some Spotting

I am 14 weeks pregnant with my third child (fourth pregnancy). I had some bloody tissue ... Related Questions. 11 Weeks Pregnant and Spotting!!! 17 ...

Im 16 Weeks Pregnant.. Should I Be Feeling the Baby Move at This Point

Read all 6 responses: "I am 16weeks pregnant with my second child and in my ... I was at 17 weeks with my second child. Remember it also could depend on ...

32 Weeks Pregnant with Twins Developing Preeclampsia.

Aug 7, 2009 ... Read all 7 responses: "I am 32 weeks pregnant with boy/girl twins and now developing preeclampsia. ... Pregnancy Induced Hypertension · 17 ...

23 Weeks Pregnant

I'm 23 weeks pregnant too. Difficult second pregnancy. My first was 6 weeks premature, so I'm on projesterone shots ... Conception After Birth Control · 17 ...

Expecting Twins!

I reached the size I was FULL TERM with my singletons at 17 WEEKS with the twins ! ... I have only been pregnant with twins, so i don't have a singleton to ...

Seeking Support at 37 Weeks Pregnant and Waiting!

I am 37 weeks pregnant today and have a 16 month old son at home. ... I have a 17 mo. old and am preggo w/ no 2 due in Feb. and am working two days a week ...
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