17 weeks and not showing

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Results 21-30 from 2,502 articles

Blood in 17 Day Olds Stool

G.V. asks from Austin

I just changed my 17 day old baby's diaper and it was yellow and seedy but also had a few strands of blood in it. He was switched 2 days ago from breastmilk to formul...


17 Month Old Not Ready for Mother's Day Out??

A.B. asks from Dallas

I have a 17 month old little girl that just started Mother's Day Out at our church 2 days a week. I am a stay at home mom and she has never been in any kind of day c...


Best Way to Eliminate the Bottle from 17 Mo

M.J. asks from St. Louis

OK, I know we need to get rid of the bottle from our 17 mo son, so I'm looking for any help you can give and mostly support to tough it out with him! He only gets a s...


My 17 Month Old Won't Eat Much. Help!

S.D. asks from Dallas

I have a 17 month old daughter who will not eat red meat or veggies. The only meats she will eat are white meat (chicken and pork) and seafood. I offer her everything...


New Baby & 17 Month Old!

C.S. asks from Dallas

Hello Ladies! Was wondering how some of you that have children VERY close in age have helped the other baby w/the transition??? We have a 17 month old that is the LI...


How to Deal with My Pregnant 17 Year Old Daughter

G.M. asks from Tampa

I found out several weeks ago that my just 17 year old daughter is pregnant. I am having a really hard time dealing with this. She doesn't seem to understand how bi...


17 Month Old Refusing Anything with His Daddy

S.B. asks from Boise

Hi, I have a 17 month old son who has recently started to refuse to let my husband (his daddy) do anything with or near him. He even gets mad when my husband just to...


Screaming 17 Month old...help.

E.N. asks from San Diego

Hi! I know i am not alone here, and so i am asking for some encouragement from other mothers out there. I have a brilliant 17 mo old girl. She is wonderful. I love...


17 Month Old and Potty Training

A.J. asks from Appleton

I have a 17 month old girl that refuses to wear a diaper and wants to use the potty. She has been going potty on the toilet when I take her or she will stand in the ...


Pregnant Again, 4 Weeks After Miscarriage

B.C. asks from Dallas

I had a miscarriage on May 31. A week later, the doc did a test and it was negative, so the miscarriage was complete. He had told us to wait until I had one cycle to ...

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  • la leche league in 2 answers "I agree with the mom about La Leche league, they were a real help to me in the hard ..."
  • get back from your trip in 2 answers "Hi M., my idea would be to wait until after you get back from your trip."
  • pregnant soon after a miscarriage in 2 answers "My friend got pregnant soon after a miscarriage."
  • babies drink from bottles in 2 answers "... Big Boys can drink from these cool cups, and how only babies drink from bottles."
  • give a multi vitamin in 2 answers "My pediatrician said not to worry..give a multi vitamin and they will eat when they ..."