16th week pregnancy

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7 Weeks Pregnant with Shortness of Breath, Prescribed Qvar-anyone Else?

I was also a little short of breath during my pregnancy and was prescribed ..... allergy and asthma · 16 week fetal development · pregnancy weeks by week ...

D And C Surgery

I lost a pregnancy at 11 1/2 weeks and opted not to have a D & C. I didn't want the surgical procedure. ... pregnancy 16 week · pregnancy week 16 ...

16 Week Old - First Night in the Crib

16 Week Old - First Night in the Crib. Some of you may remember me, I was the mom with the 8 week old that hated his crib and I tried everything to get him ...

Smoking and Pregnancy

At 16 I got pregnant, and the nurse at the health unit told me that I .... When I was 7 months pregnant, I quit smoking for a week and told my doctor that ...

8 Week Old Has a Lot of Mucus/sneezing/throwing up - Suggestions?

J.W. answers from Chicago on April 16, 2009. It sounds like a cold, not a virus. ... week by week pregnancy calendar · infant stuffy nose ...

2 Negative Pregnancy Test, but Blood Test Positive.

Oct 21, 2009 ... S.B. answers from Grand Rapids on October 16, 2009. I just want you to be aware that ... pregnancy week by week · by pregnancy week week ...

Tubal Pregnancy

I was put on bed rest for a week because there was no baby sac on the ... C.W. answers from Tucson on April 16, 2008. If you get a tubal pregnancy, ...

When Did You Know You Were Having Twins?

Read all 15 responses: "My talked to my doctor because I am only 16 weeks and I am huge already! This is my second pregnancy, but it just feels different. ... I was seeing a specialist and he did ultrasounds every week, so we knew from ...

Pregnancy and Soft Serve Ice Cream

G.H. answers from Chicago on August 16, 2008 .... I know all about pregnancy and milkshakes... I had one every week while I was pregnant! ...

Pregnancy Stretch Marks

Pregnancy Stretch Marks. Hi,. I was wondering if there are any stretch mark prevention creams that anybody would recommend. I am in my 16th week and am ...
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