13 month old constipated

Related Questions & Answers

Results 71-80 from 787 articles

12 Month Old Allergic to Milk?

L.H. asks from Albuquerque

Hello moms! My 12 month old recently made the switch to organic whole milk. He has been having a major problem with constipation and then diarrhea. Then, after his ...


2-Month-old Spitting up a Lot

R.L. asks from Rochester

Hello -- I am the mother of a beautiful 2-month-old boy. He was born 3 weeks early, tiny, (4lb., 15 oz.) but very healthy. We have had to change his formula 5 times s...


Concerned About Weight Gain in My 9 Month Old

J.H. asks from Dubuque

Today Ashton had his nine month check up overall the dr. says he is healthy but the dr. is concerned with his weight. He is 29 in long (75%) and only 16 pounds and 6o...


5 Month Old Waking Out of Habit

K.S. asks from Pittsburgh

I have a 5 month old who has started waking every night about 4 hours after we put her to sleep out of what i believe is habit. Here is what happens: she wakes up an...


How Much Milk Does a 16 Month Old Need?

D.N. asks from Orlando

I have 16 month old triplet boys. They are still drinking out of a bottle. I have been have difficulty getting them to learn to hold their own bottle, let alone get u...


4 1/2 Month Old Who Doesn't Sleep

T.C. asks from Indianapolis

I have a 4 1/2 month old little boy who does not sleep! I am working part-time and breastfeeding. We've started supplementing because I don't think I'm providing en...


My 15 Month Old Is a Horrible Eater

J.S. asks from Pittsburgh

My 15 month old son is not a very good eater. He weighs just under 20 lbs. and is in the 5th percentile for weight. His problem seems to be that he likes one food one...


3 Month Old That Won't Sit or Sleep by Himself....

J.Z. asks from San Diego

I have a 3 month old boy who won't sit or sleep by himself. I love being with him 24/7 but I am worried perhaps I may be doing something wrong. I am breastfeeding a...


22 Month Old Having Bowel Movement Issues

K.H. asks from San Francisco

My 22 month old is having some bowel movement issues. She was constipated so we were giving her milk of magnesia which wasn't doing much. Then we gave her a glycerin ...


Another Sleep Issue- 8 Month Old.

J.J. asks from Columbus

Hi. Thanks for reading yet another sleep question! I have an 8 month old girl who wakes up every three or four hours to nurse all night. She goes down great every nig...

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Answer Highlights

  • 5 lbs 9 oz at birth in 2 answers "My fourth baby was 5 lbs 9 oz at birth (37 weeks gestation), I was told to feed him ..."
  • youre not doing anything wrong in 2 answers "You're not doing anything wrong and your baby is way too young to manipulate you ..."
  • by richard ferber in 2 answers "... Your Child's Sleep Problems (or soemthing like that) written by Richard Ferber ..."
  • happiest baby on the block in 3 answers "Also try "the happiest baby on the block." In regards to the carseat, my daughter ..."
  • no cry sleep solution in 2 answers "My advice would be to get a book called "The no cry sleep solution""